1. Using the Astronomy Links section click on Astronomy Dictionary. Write the definition of Solar System.
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2. Click on the Nine Planets - A Multimedia Tour of the Planets website. Click on "Overview of the Solar System."
List the names of the planets that are part of the "inner" solar system
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List the names of the planets that are part of the "outer" solar system
3. Use the web site "From Mercury to Pluto." In the Exploration Section click on "people." Then, click on "Space Shuttle." Where are the space shuttles launched?
4. Read the middle section of the library website Astronomy Page that has the title "Spacecraft Touches Down on Asteroid Eros." When did the spacecraft land on Eros?
5. In the "Circulating Books on Astronomy" section on the Astronomy Page list the name of the book that has the call number
523.1 Sims ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. Watch one of the Animated Astronomy Movies and take the Pop Quiz and list three things that you learned.
Constellations and Stars
The Constellations and their Stars
Stars: Portraits of Stars and their Constellations
What Are Constellations?
Alphabetical listing of constellations