Introducing Lisa

I am the Creator of this site! (a loud thunderclap would be handy here) Um... I suppose I should say something about myself, huh? Yeah...

My name is Lisa and I'm 18 years old. Yes, I am legally allowed to control a large moving object known as a car but, don't worry, I hate doing so. I, myself, am scared by the thought that I have a Learner Permit. I live in Upstate New York in a place where there are probably more cows than humans. Uh... what else?

I enjoy sleeping whenever possible, reading, music, learning languages, and other miscellaneous crap. Oh, if you haven't figured out by now, I love to talk. Just ask any of my friends who put up with me! =) I waste most of my free time hanging out with my loser boyfriend Pat whom I love so dearly. No, really, I do.

I actually like school (most of the time). My favorite class last year was AP US History cos the teacher was cooler than shit. This year I'm into Spanish cos I love the language and the teacher's incredibly amusing.

I love travelling and, luckily, so do my parents. We travel often. Probably my favorite family trip was the one we took to Scandinavia and Russia in the summer of '98. I have travelled sans parents. I spent a month in Spain at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid with a friend from school. It was by far the best thing I've ever done in my life though definitely the hardest.

I had a cat named Mittens but she died last winter. She was quite fat and fluffy and would answer to anything when food was involved.

I consider myself part-atheist, part-agnostic. Atheist cos I don't believe a god exists but agnostic cos I believe in some supernatural-like crap. For example, I think the soul exists and that is goes on after death. I guess it returns to nature or something. Like some tree's gonna be really screwed up when I'm gone! =)

Here's a page of my favorite things