This can get a little confusing cuz first it's Sahar, then it's Sharon (Sh), and I have only one lousy comment throughout the whole thing. Well, Dan seemed to enjoy himself. This is also only the second half.

Cror: i'm back
Cror: :-)
dEeAnY: oh SWELL!
Cror: :-)
Cror: :-)
Cror: i wont do it again
dEeAnY: stop that!!
dEeAnY: heh
Cror: (:-))
Cror: fusso
dEeAnY: heh
dEeAnY: hhhhhhhhheh
dEeAnY: heh
dEeAnY: heh
dEeAnY: heh
dEeAnY: ehe
dEeAnY: he
dEeAnY: okay i'm done.
Cror: are you having some difficulties
Cror: that's not annoying it's pitiful
dEeAnY: no, but it appears that YOU are having difficulties SHUTTING UP
Cror: you know me
Cror: i never do
Cror: dan the weather man
dEeAnY: yes.
Cror: hello fusso
dEeAnY: why hi there
Cror: sharon says she's your twim
Cror: and you two have been long lost
Cror: and must be reunited
dEeAnY: so wait
Cror: for what?
dEeAnY: then who did they bring on Ricky Lake?
dEeAnY: shit
dEeAnY: shit
dEeAnY: "C'mon dan! It's natural for twins to have sex!"
dEeAnY: that's all he said!
dEeAnY: *sob*
dEeAnY: i've been living a lie!
dEeAnY: a horrid, horribly twisted lie!
Cror: lol
Cror: maybe you are triplets
Cror: twimplets
dEeAnY: no, it's too late for that
Cror: do i dare ask why?
dEeAnY: no.
Cror: why?
dEeAnY: see this whole twin thing would've been just GREAT to know like.... three days ago.
dEeAnY: this fucks everything up.
dEeAnY: ooh is this sharon the sharon of the unnecessarily large amounts of quotes on cara's page?
Cror: it's a TWIM!!!
Cror:(Sh) yes... it's muah
dEeAnY: it's muah?
Cror:(Sh) virgin qeueen typo lady
Cror: (moi)
dEeAnY: ?
dEeAnY: ooooooooooooh right
Cror:(Sh) but were Twims
Cror:(Sh) and i'm short!
dEeAnY: Twims?
Cror:(Sh) yes
Cror:(Sh) it's true
dEeAnY: how can we be twims and you be short?
dEeAnY: are we Fratermal twims?
Cror:(Sh) cara says exactly
dEeAnY: aah!
dEeAnY: so i have a fratermal twin?
dEeAnY: twim, sorry
Cror:(Sh) cause twims are unindetnitacal and short and tall
Cror:(Sh) yay!
dEeAnY: cool
Cror:(Sh) i think so too
dEeAnY: in that case could Danny DiVito be my twim?
Cror:(Sh) probably
dEeAnY: and Tonya Harding?
Cror:(Sh) hmm.. no
dEeAnY: woohoo!
dEeAnY: i have a danny divito in law!
dEeAnY: this is the greatest day ever
Cror:(Sh) and you aaare twiminess with we can be twims and i will seduce you!
Cror:(Sh) now let's go swimmming
dEeAnY: not after what happened last time! *sob*
dEeAnY: don't you mean "Twimming"? Ha, ha, ha
Cror:(Sh) ugh! sahar says "you didn;t like it?
Cror:(Sh) ha ha.
dEeAnY: with that guy?
Cror: what's wrong with your mom
Cror: ?
dEeAnY: don't you mean your mom?
Cror: nope it was definitely yours
dEeAnY: WELL then.
Cror: you know you enjoyed it
Cror: sharon left to change
dEeAnY: haha oh okay...
Cror:(Me) You realize this is going up on my site...
dEeAnY: *dan gasps in horror*
Cror: now look what you did, cara, he's not gonna talk anymore
dEeAnY: MmmMmmmmhmmhmmm
Cror: not again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cror: 1-800-ABCDEFG
Cror: DAN!!!!!!!!
dEeAnY: Mmmhmmhmmmhmmmm?
Cror: danit dan say something
dEeAnY: MmmmhmmmhmmmmhmmMMmmmmMMM!!
Cror: or else sharon will seduce you
dEeAnY: Mmm MMM MMmm mmMmmm mm!!
Cror: that sounded like you would enjoy it
dEeAnY: mm MMM!
dEeAnY: HMMmmHMmm mm! Mmm, hmm, mm, HMM, m MM.
Cror: how about if jingles (cara's dog) seduces you
Cror: ?
Cror: now you see I would but that would be a waste of time (and money)
dEeAnY: mmhmm...
dEeAnY: Mmmhmm?
dEeAnY: MMMMmmm........
dEeAnY: hmhmhmmhhmmhmhmhmh..
Cror: you do realize that every mmmm you utter will be quoted and they all will be taken the wrong way
Cror: c'mon dan say sompthin
Cror: peazzz
dEeAnY: i'll get quoted.
Cror: i promise i wont let cara quote you
dEeAnY: you promise?
Cror: i promise
dEeAnY: okay.
Cror: all better now
Cror: ?
dEeAnY: mm.
Cror: hey!
dEeAnY: mm hmm mhmm hmmm
Cror: well since you continue you mmmhmm
Cror: i will go on with the seduction list
dEeAnY: hahahaha
Cror: ahhh
Cror: it's good to see i scared you out of it
dEeAnY: heehee
dEeAnY: Mmm Hmm!
Cror: arrrgg
dEeAnY: heh heh heh
dEeAnY: dude so is the dog hot?
Cror: the next time i see you i'm gonna give you a big kick in the ass
dEeAnY: ooh! don't be fresh!
Cror: well i didn't men to excite you
Cror: mean
Cror: i mean't
Cror: to say
dEeAnY: you mean't?
Cror: stop! i confused myself
dEeAnY: you confuse'd yoursel'f?
Cror: yes'm
Cror: i
Cror: did
Cror: did i confus you
Cror: confuse
Cror: dan the weather man are you there???
dEeAnY: yeah i'm back yo
Cror: hey yo
Cror: wuz up yo
dEeAnY: i'm just chillin
Cror: wanna play scrabble
Cror: ?
Cror: you talkin' to other peeps
dEeAnY: *just got a phone call*
Cror: am i annoyin' you?
dEeAnY: *no*
dEeAnY: *no more tahn usual*
Cror: damn
Cror: i was hopin' to beat my record
dEeAnY: haha
dEeAnY: okay i'm back
dEeAnY: now?
dEeAnY: (to the scrabble)
Cror: yes
dEeAnY: where?
Cror: here
Cror: over the computer
dEeAnY: aah yes.. an interesting offer
dEeAnY: hmm..
dEeAnY: um.. how would one go about doing it?
dEeAnY: here i'll go get my board
dEeAnY: okay got it-
Cror: or you can come here for a scrabble orgy
dEeAnY: my move
dEeAnY: I just put "Xanthian" with the X on a triple word score and the "H" on a triple letter score
Cror: you lie!
dEeAnY: i just put Otomotopoea with the T on a triple word score
dEeAnY: Honest!
Cror: that's impossible
Cror: that's too many letters
dEeAnY: and the A of the xanthian mixes with the A of the otomootooorwmoepa and so i win.
dEeAnY: haha no shit i lie
Cror: i know you lie
dEeAnY: but i did put xanthian down
Cror: well you didn't get a triple word score
dEeAnY: actually i didn't but xanthian down
Cror: i know
Cror: because you're dan the weather man
dEeAnY: i put "Zzxxjjququ"
Cror: too many letters
dEeAnY: that's only what
dEeAnY: 8
Cror: no it's 9
Cror: and you're only allowed 7
dEeAnY: how is it 9?
Cror: fusso
Cror: look up and count
Cror: actualy it's 10
dEeAnY: yeah but Qu is one tile
Cror: well...well that still makes no sense
dEeAnY: Its a Swahili mating call!
Cror: only you would know
dEeAnY: actually its not
dEeAnY: okay i'm going
dEeAnY: my twin's coming over
Cror: is it anything like the mating call of the whooping crane
dEeAnY: kindve
dEeAnY: more sensual... less nasal
dEeAnY: where the whooping crane's like a
dEeAnY: the african tribal one is more like
dEeAnY: you should look it up.
dEeAnY: okay i'm going.
Cror: i will
Cror: buh bye
Cror: kick your ass for me will ya?
dEeAnY: sure
dEeAnY: just for you
Cror: thanx