bmaddah (10:53:34 PM): sup
Cror (10:53:41 PM): The sky, dude.
bmaddah (10:54:05 PM): your sahars friend right
Cror (10:54:11 PM): Indeed.
Cror (10:54:17 PM): Got a question?
bmaddah (10:54:19 PM): ya
bmaddah (10:54:24 PM): which came first
bmaddah (10:54:27 PM): the chicken or the egg
Cror (10:54:35 PM): Hmm...
Cror (10:54:42 PM): That depends.
bmaddah (10:54:44 PM): think about that a bit
Cror (10:54:52 PM): If a tree falls in the forest, does
it make a sound?

bmaddah (10:54:56 PM): was the chicken
scrambled or roasted

bmaddah (10:55:00 PM): depends
bmaddah (10:55:17 PM): if a tree is shot in orbit
does it make a sound?

bmaddah (10:55:24 PM): and no one was there to
see it

Cror (10:55:31 PM): Yeah, *KaBOOM*
bmaddah (10:55:35 PM): hehe
bmaddah (10:55:40 PM): yeap
bmaddah (10:55:47 PM): i guess it would make that

Cror (10:55:52 PM): Yessir.
bmaddah (10:55:59 PM): besydes the obvious
bmaddah (10:56:11 PM): back to the chicken and
the egg

Cror (10:56:19 PM): Well, was just checking e-mail.
Had a nice little chat. Now, it's time for bed.

bmaddah (10:56:32 PM): oh ya i found out how the
dinos were killed ...bad line of credit

bmaddah (10:56:35 PM): cyaz
Cror (10:56:38 PM): Bye.