I had this IM convo with Julie. I have few responses because I was off fixing a bagel, and I forgot to tell her. I have one word "WHAT?"

Cror: Hey there!
Changes2pc: jey! s'goin' on?
Changes2pc: nathan is pissing me off
Changes2pc: hey
Cror: How so?
Changes2pc: he's my bro, what else can I say?
Changes2pc: how are you?
Changes2pc: GUESS WHAT!!!
Changes2pc: I'm on summer vacation!
Changes2pc: ok, I'm really sorry, i g/g, I' not in the moo to play hi stupid idotic games
Changes2pc: UGH!!!!!!!
Changes2pc: mooooooooooo
Changes2pc: a you....
Changes2pc: so arte
Changes2pc: so are you
Changes2pc: ugh!
Changes2pc: ok, I'm going ottry o tla to yu another day
Changes2pc: ttyl
Changes2pc: sy
Changes2pc: rry
Changes2pc: sprry
Changes2pc: sorry
Changes2pc: there
Changes2pc: he's pissing mew off!
Changes2pc: o
Changes2pc: bye, sorry,
Changes2pc: have fun
Changes2pc: vye
Cror: Bye.