Kathie Lee Christmas Special

Its a real shame if you had to miss this one. I even taped it so now I can relive all those wonderful memories all over again.


*They all looked good. Well, for the first song at least. (JC, this is Lucky. You need to be mine)

*The little dance they did to 'Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays' was cute, but not necessary. It looks like they learned it 10 minutes before the show. Well, all but Lance. He's been practicing for weeks.

*For once would you PLEASE let Lance finish his sentances. The poor guy is always getting cut off.

*They really got that fake laugh down. Good job guys!


*JC that coat has got to go.

*YEY! Chris finally sings alone on national tv. I never thought that day would come.

*Why is that girl in the audience crying? There's no need for that girlie.


*JC you're still wearing that coat

*JC looks very out of place between the two short chicks

*Kathie Lee needs to cease to exist. And why is her microphone so loud? Does she think that people are watching to hear her? Not tonight sister--put that microphone away. Its all about 'N Sync.

*Remember this for next year: Give Kathie Lee Lance's microphone.

*JC Gifford? He seems to fit in with the Gifford klan very nicely at the end. ( I never laughed so hard)

Who Let 'N Sync Out