My Concert Experience

By Katie T.

Picture this people, December 8th 1998, a cold day in Wisconsin, kids running around wild in their tiny little tank tops and cute shorts. I know you're thinking ,wait you just said it was cold! These peeps are running around in summer gear?!? Well what you have to understand is these girls are freaks! They truly believe the less clothes they wear the better chance they have with those cuties 'N Sync. They insist what they are wearing is totally expectable, and having their mom's right behind them wearing similar gear (trying to regain their adolescence, no doubt) makes them feel even better. As my friend and I made our way through the sea of spandex and flesh to the line to get in, we noticed these girls kissing the tour bus! Yep, the dirty, dusty, rides through snow, sleet, rain and BUGS tour bus! I guess they felt if they kiss the buss in a way they are kissing 'N Sync. Hey whatever makes them happy, who are we to deny the delusional? :) As you enter the Riverside theater you are blinded by all the glittery signs the 11 and under crowd are holding most having the oh so generic saying "I love you Justin". As if that weren’t enough of attention getter, they also appear to have drenched themselves in glitter and perfume. Wonderful. My friend and I continued to walk around looking completely out of place in our jeans and sweaters. We didn’t even have the good sense to be sporting the color of the night, baby blue, or an "oh so cute FUBU jerseys" on. We both knew that this was totally going to be a night to remember. If not because of 'N Sync then because of these silly peeps. Finally we got through the madness and made our way to the first level. What’s the first thing we see? An excited fan? Hell no! The only thing we could see was, well, some chick that had to be 16 wearing enough make-up to light up Las Vegas and not enough clothes for balmy Florida weather. She looked like she was trying to sleep her way into a club or something. Not cute. She appeared to be talking to one of the security peeps, probably trying to find a way to meet the guys, things peeps will do. Well, as we walked by her, of course, we laughed and she looked like she felt pretty salty cause she knew we sure didn't admire her for her whorish outfit. We then went through the entrance to our section, found our seats. We ended up next to a mother and her 12 year old daughter, who was very cool. She didn’t act like a little brat or anything and her mom was acting her age, major bonus for us. We sat and chatted with them for a while when we heard some yelling from behind us. Being the nosy things we are, we turned around to see a few girls giving each other the meanest looks we've ever seen. Apparently they were arguing over who gets to marry Justin and who gets Lance. I think they were ready to box, but someone's mom was there so break it up (way to go mom, see there is a reason why parents come:) After all the action, we are bored now, beginning to have an allergic reaction to all the baby blue, and in need of some air so we decided to go walk around. Of course, there is no escaping the teeny bopper patrol running wild and telling each other how much they love the group. We seem to be saved as loud screaming drowns out more of the "Who Is the HOTTEST member of N SYNC" debate when we are caught in a stampede of people trying to get back to their seats. Yep, you guessed it, it was time for everyone’s favorite 16 year old pin-up queen, Brittany Spears. She came on and we were still in the hallway but could hear. We weren't too impressed, but hey we paid $50 for these tickets, so we decided to go take our seats. She sang a few songs that no one knew the words to and she sounded…..uh, interesting. I mean no offense, but some people just aren’t that good live, ya know? Then "Baby One More Time" came on and the house went wild, daughters and mothers were dancing all over the place. Even I, my cynical self, had a little motion going on. What can I say, I like the song. Well, after that she was gone. Finally 'N Sync:)~ It was about 15 min before they came on. The theater went dark, the last thing you could honestly hear was a sound check and then, BAM! Chicks were screaming and crying like this was their last moments on earth. I was like Hello, sound check. I mean I don't think it was the guys, could have been but it didn't sound like them. When the music came on and the curtain went up, all of a sudden these guys in monk customs came out. I was starting to relive my days in my catholic grade school but the fans were going wild. Finally they threw off the robes and were in space suits. Great, I’m thinking, I bought tickets to space camp. They did these really weird dance moves and not surprisingly the fans were going nuts. They busted out of the NASA gear and were in some Chinese outfits which look really cute. I would go into detail but I'm sure everyone knows how they looked and who had on what color, anyway, point is it was cute. They danced and sang, did all those fun things they do at every concert, not that I'm complaining, it's all good. It was funny though during one song Joey sure did fall on his butt and I was rolling because it was too funny. I think, all in all, the concert was just like the ones you hear of. They change like three times, Justin does the beat box, and ended up it the famous wife beater and they talked to the audience a little. I unfortunately don't have any clue what they said, the little girls and their moms were screaming too much (so, ladies, this might be a good time to tell ya, if ya can’t control yourself, take a little prozac before the show so you don’t ruin everyone’s fun, k?). I mean they could have been saying "ya'll suck" yet the screaming continued, that annoyed me, it's like let the man speak. Oh, and remember the mom that broke up the fight? Well she spent the rest of the night screaming "Justin my daughter wants to marry you". Ok, your daughter is like 11, which is statutory rape lady. It’s nice to let the kid have the fantasy, but when mom is getting in on the act, all I gotta say is seek help. I personally loved the concert even with the annoying little girls and the mothers who should be at home (hire a baby-sitter, for god sakes! Your OLD and shouldn’t be acting MY age). The guys put on a great show and have major talent.

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