Meet The Nerds

Meet The Nerds

Were you wondering who could create a fine web site much like this? Well wonder no more. Here's a little info on the minds behind the madness. (And we ask that you pretend to care. Thanks!)


Editor : LUCKY

Information:: My name is Lucky and I live in Philadelphia, PA. I am 20 years old (I have the same EXACT birthday as Lance~ May 4, 1979) and currently a junior in college.

What do you like most and least about yourself:: Hmmm, I like the color of my hair a lot and my keen sense of humor. I hate how tall I am. (i'm 5'9") I have this tendency to tower over everyone!

Favorite Musical Artists:: Fiona Apple, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Tori Amos, Beth Orton, Barnaked Ladies, Phil Collins, *N Sync, Babyface, REM, *LiVe*, Harry Connick Jr.,Dave Matthews Band, and many others that I can't think of right now......

Five Favorite Current Songs:: "Sunburn" by Fuel, "What A Girl Wants" by Christina Aguilera, "BugABoo" by Destiny's Child, "Hanging Around" by Counting Crows, and "Then the Morning Comes" by Smashmouth.

Five Favorite Songs of All Time :: "She's Got A Way" by Billy Joel, "You Didn't Know Me When" by Harry Connick Jr., "When Can I See You Again?" by Babyface, "Overjoyed" by Stevie Wonder, and "For No One" by the Beatles

Things I Enjoy:: my doggie, bottled water, Jc's voice, egg rolls, tall cakes at Ruby Tuesdays, All you can eat chinese food lunch buffets, the Yankees, air conditioning, well dressed men, singing really loud, going to concerts, dancing like a mad woman, Barnes and Noble, intellegent people, my boyfriend, guys who wear cologne, and chatting with Kelly on IM

Things that I dislike immensely :: smokers, rude people, food courts, people who interrupt me when i'm speaking, capri pants, people who drive too slow, the porn that AOL likes to send to my mailbox, people who talk during movies,and waiting in line

Personal Quote :: "I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone."

My Must See TV :: NYPD Blue. This is the most brilliant show ever created!(there are reruns on EVERYDAY ..thank god for small miracles) I also watch Friends. Will and Grace, Law and Order, Jeopardy and Felicty every week.

Non - *N Sync crushes :: Nicholas Tuturro. ("Oh baby got what I need!")I am so in love with this guy. He plays Detective James Martinez on NYPD Blue and I have to have this guy. Thats some hot sex on a platter right there. He makes me think impure thoughts. I also like Hank Azaria right now. Damn that Helen Hunt!

Person (people)I dislike the most and why:: I hate Roshumba..that freaky VJ on VH1 who is supposedly a super model yet she looks like yesterdays lunch regurgitated. Everything about this chick sickens me..her face, her voice, her mannerisms..everything! Mariah Carey also bothers me a whole lot. (As does Britney Spears and Brandy)

Favorite Member of *N Sync:: JC will be my sex slave one day. You just wait! Even back in the days when I used to make fun of *N Sync (meaning..before I was a fan) I always liked JC. I'm also a bit partial to that Lance kid ;)

Favorite *N Sync Song :: 'I Want You Back'. It will never change. For some reason I can't get sick of this song.

How you were introduced to *N Sync:: Well, one Saturday evening while I was turning tricks for Joey, he told me about this group he was involved with. I asked him if they were any good and he told me they had potential to make it big. I didn't really believe him...i just acted like it was cool to impress him (and to get more money out of him.). He asked me to go over to Europe with them as his "costume mistress". I had to pass because of my job responsiblities..but he would fly me over every once in a while to "relax him".(thats what the kids called it back then). Joey doesn't give me the time of day anymore. Apparently he can get high price hookers now and has no use for me. But i was there in the beginning and i'll always cherish our "times together" (it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

If you could interview any member of *N Sync who would it be and what would you ask him? :: I'd probably interview Joey but I wouldn't ask him any questions. I beat the shit out of him instead. Somehow that seems more enjoyable.

Contact Lucky


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Co-Editor : Kelly

Information:: Hi my name is Kelly. I am currently a senior in high school and I live in Reno Nevada, however, I was born and raised in Las Vegas, which would make me a true hoochie momma, lol. I am a gemini and I reall prefer to only date those who's astrological signs i am compatible with. ( lol, ya right!) Purple is my most favorite color. I enjoy long walks and soft, cuddly things. lol! how gay!

What do you like most and least about yourself:: The thing I like least about myself are my legs, and the thing i like best about myself is the fact that I can joke about them.

Favorite Musical Artists:: I'm pretty open to all kinds of music. *nsync (duh), gloria estefan, stevie wonder, janet jackson, and the beach boys, are my heroes!

Five Favorite Current Songs:: Gosh how funny, I can't think of any songs that i'm really digging right now.

Five Favorite Songs of All Time :: Songs that i could rock out to all day, every day are "I just called to say I love you" by Stevie Wonder, "I'm walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves, "Bad Boys" by gloria estefan

Things I Enjoy:: There is not a damn thang to do here in this rinky dink hole! My friends an' I like to go cow tipping late at night, lol. Just kidding for you animal rights activists out there! It's not like we hurt them anyways. But seriously, I'm really into art. It's one of my few talents, lol. An' I been practicin' my harmonica everyday so i's can be good for mines and lucky's band!

Things that I dislike immensely :: More than just about anything in the world, I hate liars, needles, asparagus and spinach, mothers who bring those friggen baby strollers into stores, war, and negative people.

Personal Quote (s) :: My personal quote, which i stole from somebody by the way, is " if you die in an elevator, be sure to push the up button" I have lots of quotes, here, let us share:

" friends help you move. real friends help you move bodies."

"if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!"

" those who think they know everything, are especially annoying to those of us who do."

" time is a great teacher, unfortunately it kills all of its students."

My Must See TV :: The shows i simply must see every week are: my soap opera, Guiding Light. Every night in my prayers i thank God for the shows writers. felicity. that show just kicks some major tooshie. who's line is it anyways? now that show takes true talent!

Non - *N Sync crushes :: God has blessed us with the heavenly creature that is known to us as Johnny Depp. (sigh) and beside him, the absoulutely gorgeous Paul Walker. They are so studly! i would love to cover them with chocolate syrup and eat my way to the center! Oooooh yummy! :) Seth Green is pretty sexy too! i love his smile! He's such a cutie!

Person (people)I dislike the most and why::

Favorite Member of *N Sync:: My favorite member of *nsync is jc. i've had my eye on him since the mickey mouse club days. he is so dreamy! and i love watching him shake his bon bon!

Favorite *N Sync Song :: My favorite song of of the *nsync album is "you got it" cus i love to watch them dance to it and jc wrote it for me! (yeah right! lol, if you believe that...) and off of their x-mas album, i love o holy night.

How you were introduced to *N Sync:: i was first introduced to *nsync by lou himself. he told me he had some great new talent, and he needed a second opionion. and at first they were pretty good, but it was i that told them, " boys, in order to succeed, you need to thrust thy pelvic". and that begins *nsync!

If you could interview any member of *N Sync who would it be and what would you ask him? :: Now, if i actually really got the chance to meet the guys, i would love to ask them to describe their perfect dream girl both physical and mental characteristics, and be very elaborate.

Contact Kelly

AOL IM ~ Casper6177

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