Its the little things

We've been fans of 'N Sync for a little while now. And we've seen almost all of thier tv appearences. We own all of thier videos and watch them daily. In this time we've picked up on little things that seem to be a constant. These are just little idiosyncrasies that make us love them so gosh darn much. I'm sure you've notcied them too. And if you've notice one thats not on this page, then please share it with us. Thanks!

* JC says "basically" at least three times when he speaks. And you can tell he notices this too because every once in a while he'll catch himself midway through the word and put another word there.

*When Justin goes to tell a joke, he trails off at the end. The jokes would be funny if we could hear the end of them Justin.

*Have you ever watched Jc when he laughs? He does this little two step dance and when he's sitting down he throws his head back. One of these days he's going to hurt himself.

*Joey is the group slut. There's one in every group...Joey happens to be the one here.

*Exactly who is Justin waving at in their videos? I'd really love to know

*When in concert Justin and Joey need to be seperated. They're always together laughing about something thats not obvious to the general public.

* I don't understand JC's name. When using initials you usually use the first letters of your first and middle names...He uses the first letters of his first and last names. That's no so bad, but when people call him JC Chasez they're really calling him Joshua Chasez Chasez. How does that make sense? Shouldn't it be JS instead of JC? I think he should fix that

* Lance seems to be talking more than JC nowadays. I still haven't decided if thats good or bad

*I was watching some of thier videos the other day and I noticed something about the girls they chose to be in them. Apparently being asthetically pleasing isn't a prerequisite to being in their videos. This gives us all hope.

Misc. Fun