Picture Page Cinco

Hello All! We have mucho new pictures to put on the page so to save time we're just going to put them here. Some day in the near future when we have more time we will move these pictures to their respective page. Right now though, this is just easier for us and for you. Enjoy!

Both Posada and I have a bigger version of this picture on our wall. They all look mighty fine!

I, lucky, also have this picture up on my wall and JC scares me everytime I look at it. Sometimes I wonder why I like the boy so much

Then I see pictures like this one and quickly remember why I remain devoted to the boy

That's purdy

Just a few comments here. Chris seems to be screaming for no apparent reason. That scares me. Also, I hope Lance realizes he can't ride like that. He's gonna fall out. Where's Justin Randal? How dare there be a picture where you can't see all of him! Does he know about this?

This picture was taken by Nicky at their Jacksonville concert. Thanks Nicky for letting me use it!

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