My Random comments page

Hello all you lovely people out there. This is my page to rant about random topics. If you would like to contribute anything to this page then just email me. I'll be glad to post your rants. Enjoy!

Things that piss me off:

* People who say they know, knew, are dating, or have dated a member of *N Sync. Please- if you really knew one of those boys you would not be bragging about it online. ("My second cousin's best friend's aunt's dog groomer's step son went to school with Joey's uncle's ex girlfriend's niece"~ does that count as knowing them?)

* Girls that like things because a member of *N Sync likes it. I seriously wish i had bought stock in all things baby blue. Its a lovely color and all..but not too many people paid attention to it before little Ju-Ju announced to all who would listen that its his favorite color. Also, why bother wearing a WWJD bracelt just because JC and Lance wear them. (thats sacreligious by the're gonna burn in HELL!!!!!) Anothering thing...lets talk about UNC shall we? All these dumb ass little girls from all over the country think they're going to UNC now. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get into UNC out of state? My best friend got straight A's all through out high school...took every honors AP class that was offered and was the valadictorian of her class and she just barely got into UNC and she didn't get into their honors program. She graduated from high school with a 4.52 GPA and she didn't get into the fuckin' honors program. So give up your UNC dreams kiddies and strive for something else.I go to Penn State. Its a nice school.

* Girls who dress all slutty at concerts. This one makes me laugh actually. I'm sure a 14 year old in tube top is what Justin is looking for. (Joey maybe) Why degrade yourself like that? Its even more pathetic when older girls (like 22 year olds) do it. my god-GROW UP!!!! Go to the concert and enjoy the music and the view. Don't expect much more. Plus, what would you do if you actually met *N Sync? What do you think they're gonna do? Don't compromise your morals because you think you'll have a night of hot steamy sex with a member of N Sync. It ain't gonna happen ladies. And if you're 22 and think you'll make it somewhere with *N Sync..then you need to grow up and get your head out of your ass.

The Internet & *N Sync:

The other day I recieved a link in my mailbox to an *N Sync site. The page was about how Justin was dating some model named Josie. It went on to say how she bought him TLC's new CD and she bought him the angel necklace he sports that has his initials on it. Then it went on to show pictures of Josie (who is very pretty by the way) and even had a picture of Justin with her at the Billboard Music Awards. You could tell that the picture was fabricated, but anyone who looked at the picture quickly would have thought it was acurate. People went into some what of an uproar thinking the picture was real. Then...the girl who owned the website admitted to a friend of mine that the picture was indeed fabricated and that she made the whole thing up. This girl, who had nothing better to do, decided to create a rumor that Justin will most likely have to clarify thousands of times. (he's still trying to dispell the whole Britney rumor)This is my thing..the internet is a very powerful force and people believe a lot of crap that is posted on it. I could probably fabricate a picture of me and Jc and make up some BS story about how we've been in love for three years and that I'm pregnant with his first child and i'm sure someone out there would believe me. I just don't understand why people find it to be funny to screw with their personal lives like that. What do you get out of that? We may make fun of them to a degree, but we don't start rumors here. There's no need for it. I would think people would have more to deal with in their day than to make up stories about others. Just think about what you're saying and how it could affect someone else. I doubt that anything on this page would affect them in any significant way, but creating rumors would. I hope that anyone reading this will see the difference.

Joey A. Fatone

Here is my personal opinion on Joey Fatone. He completely ruins their image. You see cute little Ju-Ju, Lansten, JC, and Chris and then you see the pervert that is Joey. He really bothers me. He goes out to clubs and dances with all these whores and then trys to uphold that "i'm a good little boy" charm. Its doesn't work for him. At every concert that we have attended, Joey is always paired with one or two scantaly clad females. Its just gross. He really is the group slut. He will end up being the downfall of N Sync.

This is just my opinion. I don't care if you agree with me. Life goes on.....

What's Goin' On?

May 7, 1999~ this was one of the most scariest days I've lived as an 'N Sync fan. Why, you ask? Let me tell you. I work at a grocery store as a customer service representative so all day I was dealing with nasty, self absorbed people. Anyway, all day long I was constantly being reminded of 'N Sync. It all started at 8:30 in the morning. I was going to work and God Must Have Spent ....came on the radio.(I quickly changed the station because that song annoys me now) I got to work and I said good morning to Charolet who had just returned to work after being in Orlando for a week. She turned to me and said, " I would give everything I own not to be here right now." I just laughed and proceeded into the office to get my cash drawer. My friend Lisa was already in there so we counted our drawers together and caught up on the gossip in the store. When we were going to leave the office she turned to me and said "Well, here we go. " I started to notice the pattern but I just laughed it off. About an hour into my shift a man came up and wanted to pay for his stuff with a credit card. So he put his card through the machine, but he didn't push enter. So I asked him to hit the enter button and he said, " You got it " At this point I was getting weirded out. I thought that everyone was plotting against me! Like there was a sign that I somehow failed to see that said "Lucky's going to Orlando on Wednesday to see 'N Sync so make sure you mention them as often as possible'. I thought it was so odd. My shift continued and then about an hour before I was scheduled to leave a woman came through my line. This was, by far, the freakest thing that happened that day. She had two kids who were running up and down the front end of the store. I finished her order just as her kids were going a little crazy. She told me that she wanted to pay with her MAC card but she couldn't figure out how to use the machine. She slid her card and then turned to me and said, " Tell me what to do now. I want you back here right now kids" It made me laugh so hard and no one could figure out why. (I wasn't going to tell them) Anyway the rest of my day was pretty boring. Although I guess this is 'N Sync related too....My last customers of the day were two high school kids. They told me that I look like Britney Spears. On one hand I was flattered b/c most men in this country find her to be attractive. On the other hand it made me want to cry because she's just wrong. ("She's a dirty, dirty whore" <~~that's from Billy Maddison) Anyway, I was finally able to go home and when I got there my mom had Oprah on. Guess who was on Oprah on Friday? Yep..'N Sync.

Enough Already!


This is the most fun subject of them all. I just have a few comments on this one. I was looking through some message boards the other day and I just had to laugh. Girls post these messages like 'I heard that Chris has a girlfriend. Is this true? Who is the skank?' I understand that you would be curious if one of the boys had a girlfriend, but there's no need for names here. Did you ever stop to think that dating is a two way thing. Its not like 'the stupid skank' pinned Chris down and made him date her. Obviously he had an attraction to her too.

One other thing...did you seriously think that you stood a chance of dating one of them? Honestly? I mean, I would love nothing more than to date JC, but I know that it will NEVER happen. Being jealous and calling them names isn't going to help anything. It will only show your immaturity reguarding the situation. I think its time that you got your head out of the clouds and start living life a little. Listen to thier music, appreciate their talents and even gush about their cuteness every once in a while...but let the dream go. And be happy for them when they do find someone that makes them happy. They deserve that much from you.


I've been waiting for so long to rant about this one. If you've read the Entertainment Weekly article then you know that a majority of it is about Lou and trans-con. To me, Lou is nothing but a money grubbing, poor excuse for a human...but I have to remain objective here. I do have a point. What good is it to keep booking these guys and never letting them have a vacation? All he's going to end up with is a group of burnt out guys with no motivation to do the one thing that they love. I understand that the guys have no idea how long they will last, but they're over doing it a little. They seem to be so naive about the music industry that they can't see this isn't normal. Come on: Three tours in a row? Its all a ploy by Lou to fatten his pockets. And I especially loved the part in the article where chris said: "Lou said 'I'll put money behind you' Now this has turned into 'He started us' You can take it however you want, but I started the group." I think thats the first time they've publically spoken against "Big Poppa" We need more of this type of honesty.

Another thing that bothers me about trans-con is that they are completely controling what the guys say and do. We all know that Lance is dating Danielle...why the big cover up? Does anyone actually care? Are you going to stop listening to them b/c Lance is dating? I'd hope not. The fact is that they all date. And if this whole Danielle thing has taught us anything about these guys its that they could all have girlfriends and we'd never know about it. I have absolutly no respect for Trans-Con and I even lost a little respect for 'N Sync. I personally don't like BSB but I do respect them for getting away from trans-con. They knew what was going on and they stopped it. I think its time 'N Sync followed suit. No matter what they'll be represented. A recording company would be insane not to represent these guys. They just need to find one that will let them be themselves.

All views on this page are the views of the page creators. They are in no way the views expressed by 'N Sync or anyone affiliated with the group.

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