Stand Up and Give Him A Hand

Here a little random tid bit...I simply adore Chris. I really do. I don't think I could ever date him, but he would make the most amazing best friend. Anyway, here are some reasons that I have for adoring him.



Being oldest in a group of mostly adolescent boys can be a very awkward thing for a man. Especially if that group happens to have the stigma "boy band" affiliated with it. Its no surprise that people would look at 28 year old Chris Kirkpatick and question his motives or sanity. But in all honesty, Chris is the only one in the group who seems completely content with the whole situation they are in. He doesn't take himself too seriously (like JC), he doesn't use his new found star power to prey on girls (like joey), and he doesn't throw away his money on frivilous expenses that enhance his appearence (like justin). Chris is just riding the wave and seeing where it will take him and that is so admirable. He is the only one who seems genuinely grateful for all the success they've aquired over the years. Also, Chris is educated and highly intelligent. (By saying this i'm not saying that the other guys aren't educated...we're talking about Chris only here.) If you've ever really listened to him speak you can hear how intellegent he is. I personlly respect anyone who cares enough about education to go to school before persuing their dream. I love singing, but I know that I need to get my college degree. (I'm three semesters away from doing that)

Chris is so funny too. I love watching him and listening to him talk because he can always make me laugh. He has the coolest sense of humor which is essential in the industry they're in.

Another thing about Chris is that he's honest. I mean, he doesn't sugar coat anything he says and from the looks of it, he doesn't go by what management tell him to do. Here are a few examples of that:

* The entertainment weekly article in which he publically spoke against Lou "Big Poppa" Pearlman". This is the first time that has been done by a member of 'N Sync. This is what he said: "Lou said,'I'll put money behind you.' Now, somehow, this has turned into 'He started us.' You can take it however you want, but I started the group" Thats right Chris, and no matter what Lou says all us fans will always know to thank you for that.

* In his first Yahoo chat session some chick asked the ever intrusive question of are you a virgin. Chris bluntly said, "No, i'm 27", sending girls into hysterics everywhere. I love the fact that he was honest about this...i'm sure he knew if he didn't answer the question then it would come up again, and again, and again...Do you girls have no boundries on the questions you ask?

* On a recent addition of MTV news 1515 Chris, on the topic of Britney, said.... "Do you want to hear the truth or do you want to hear what Britney wants us to say?" {monotone voice} "Britney is the best person we have ever been on tour with in our entire life. She is so amazing. Wow. Oh boy. I cannot withold from singing her praises"

One more random thing that makes me respect Chris is that he doesn't make appoligies for who he is or what his hair looks like on any given day. He's Chris, and he's amazing.

Chris Humor