Ricki Lake

**note: I didn't have a picture from the Ricki Lake Show so I figured this one would do**

If you didn't have the opportunity to see this its a shame. It was crazy. These are just a couple things that I notcied about that appearence:

* I think Lance and Joey mixed up their microphones. You can't hear Joey, and Lance, well Lance wasn't sounding too good. Poor Lance~ maybe you should just stick to those one liners...(Girl were you alone?)

*Check out the girl sitting behind Ricki..Scary Stuff!

*Justin, if you insist on putting your little "Haa Haa Haa Haa" in 'Tearing Up My Heart' at least wait until the end of the song. Anywhere else it just sounds stupid.

*If I had a chance to say anything to 'N Sync "I love you guys so much" is not what I would say. Something along the lines of marriage and children is more appropriate.

*The chick is way too excited to be doing whatever it is that she's doing to thier clothes meanwhile Ricki moves along to the food table. You're lovin' that lunchmeant Ricki--and you're a little too happy about that white bread. How much of it do you think she ate?

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