Say What?!

Sure you love to look at them. Who doesn't?! But when they open their mouths its a completely different story. They are the type of people who should just sit there and look pretty, but unfortunatly for us they do speak. Here is a look at a some of the more memorable quotes from the boys.....

~ "M-I-C, yeah see you real soon, K-E-Y, why? because we got paid to, M-O-U-S-Eeeeeeeeeee." Jc and Justin (when asked to sing the MMc theme.)

~ "Well, U-N-I, V-E-R, uh S-A-L, S-T-U-D-I-O-S, UNIvERSAL...Studios..." Joey and Chris (making fun of JC and Justin)

~"Glad I didn't work in a theme park." Lance

~"Theme park nothin', you were Poo Foo! Do Poo Foo man!" Chris

~"Poo Foo didn't do anything..fine. 'Poo Foo, Poo Foo, where are you? Please come out and play."

~ "I guess Lance is irreplacable...his eyes, they just make women melt. Hehe.." Joey

~"Quit lyin', he's a Mississippi Albino!" Chris (is anyone else sick of hearing them say that?)

~"Actually, I fear, actually, like somebody...'cause when throwing stuffed animals on stage, I fear someone's gonna throw, like, something really heavy towards my head and it's gonna smack me unconscious and they'll have to take me to the hospital and I might die!" Justin ( I bet you thought that this quote was a product of my horrible typing. Well, its not. Those are the actual words that came out of his mouth. His intellegence astounds me)

~ "Joey's a chicken magnent. In Europe, they didn't understand what a chick magnent was so they kept calling him the 'chicken magnent'..Beg-gawk!" Chris

~"Lance gets none" JC (This is interesting coming from Jc considering Lance is the one with the girlfriend and that JC doesn't seem to be getting anything..he's too concerned with his sleep depervation.)

"I get it ALL!" Lance (good come back man)

~"I'm just 'N Sync. Last night some guy passed by and said, 'Hey 'N Sync!' Uh, My name is Lance." Lance

~"Joey embarrasses us, 'cause he flirts with all the women...he does a horrible job." Justin (uh Justin sweetie, you don't seem to be doing much better)

~"Look closely, Do we look normal?" Joey

~"I am the cookie man and this is my sidekick sprinkles" Justin (Points to JC)

~" When people are looking at us on stage I want them to say, 'Dang, did you see that?'" JC

~"Are you looking at my bum? Bum looker!" Justin

~"I want some Boston....stuff" Lance (Poor lance...they never let him talk)

~"Look woman, if you don't know who you're calling then hang up and try the number again." Justin

~"We're in the sink!" Chris

~"I ain't got nobody to dance with! Yo I can't have that!" Justin (Justin, I know its hard to believe that a stud like you would have to dance alone, but suck it up. You'll live)

~"Joey's a womanizer. He takes all my women- whazzup up wit dat!" (Justin, english is a fun language. You should learn it someday)

~"Don't you be gettin' my plate on camera or i'll have to kill you." Justin

~"There's a storm coming. Its called El Nino." Chris

~ "I was going to say something beach related but Chris stole my answer" Lance

~"You can't come to the beach with me." Chris (To Lance)

~"I think I'm in a dream" Lance

~"I think I'm in Lance's dream" Chris

~"There should be more posters that say "I love Chris" on them. I need to find my wife." - Chris

~"I don't know what to judge my football talent on. Maybe in the group, I'm one of the top five." - Chris on his football skills

~"The guys call me Stealth.....I guess it's that's cause I always check out anything I'm gonna hit on......women that is." (Justin starts to laugh) "Shut up JUSTIN!" - Lance

~"And Justin is putting a hot oil treatment on his hair as we speak." - Lance

~"You know what a pecan is, right? Well, it's a nut, in a shell, & butter is butter, but it's sweet...Never mind!!! Chocolate chip!!" - Lance

~"What do I dislike most about my appearance? Joey's feet!" - JC

"We are all very hormonal, but we have good morals." - JC

"I did not put tape on them...but I wear the glasses." - JC on his Buddy Holly glasses (MTV: Fashionably Loud)

~"Lance got a big old butt, I know I told ya I be true, cuz Lance got a big old butt, so I'm eatin' you!!" - Justin & JC

~"Wal-Mart is the leading album seller in America." - Lance

"And Lance should know, because he's from Mississippi!" - Chris

"That's right, that's where I bought all my albums." - Lance

Group Humor