What's Wrong With This Picture?

What's wrong with this picture? a.> JC looks like our trashman b.> Lance that coat has got to go c.> Whatcha huntin Chris? d.> Gone fishin Justin?

Jc really doesn't like mushrooms on his pizza!

Somewhere in America Justin's mom is wondering where her stocking went

What made him think that hat looked good?

What's wrong with this picture? Well, if you can't figure it out then we're not gonna tell ya!

I'm sorry Justin, are we boring you?

I don't quite get why Justin has a beeper on the side of his head. Is that suposed to be thug? I doubt it. Jc, you don't look like a thug. You look like a french man wearing really tacky jewelry. Poor Lance. He just looks gay. The only one who comes closest to pulling this look off is Joey. You thug man, you thug!

These boys scare me more and more each day

Sup JC?!

Justin's coat is consuming his head

Chris,what's up with that shirt man? What you see here is from the Ruben collection.

What's wrong here you ask? They all just look gay. Pure and simple. This kind of look I'd expect from Lance and maybe even Jc, but Justin, Chris and Joey surprised me here.

This picture would be really cute if JC wasn't so stoned.

Chris, again, what's up with your shirt? I bet he got that from Joey's closet.