UNC~ Chapel Hill (March 6, 1999)

Ok, Posada and I,(Lucky), went to our first 'N Sync concert on March 6, 1999. This concert was at UNC Chapel Hill and first of all...there was WAY TOO much baby blue in that room. (From the walls of the arena, to the seats, to the rabid fans who thought they were being original by wearing baby blue.) I never want to see that color again! Secondly, being surrounded by SCREAMING chicks does something bad to your hearing. That and the fact that we were pretty much right next to the stage (and the speakers) Our hearing was clouded for the next week, and the ringing wouldn't go away. Now that i'm done complaining about the environment, i'll tell you about the concert.

When we first got there we were beyond excited to see where our seats were. We were RIGHT on the side of the stage. The seats were perfect! Everything was going good until the lights went out and B*Witched took the stage. What they heck was that crap? I would have rather taken my chances with Britney. I'm not sure what they were doing, but I know it wasn't dancing. They were terrible. Although I must say witnessing them on stage renewed my faith in getting a recording contract one day. Tatyana (sp?) Ali came on next and she wasn't too bad. Both singers got my sympathy because it can't be easy opening for 'N Sync. When she was done singing the lights went on and a bunch of guys wearing Metallica shirts came out and changed the stage around. Then the lights went off again and the decible level in the room went off the scale. I was sure that i would have suffered permenent hearing damage. (In case you care...i can hear fine now) They came out in these funky things that glowed in the dark. I was a bit disturbed by the whole scene. They opened with 'Here We Go'. It was fun b/c they kept coming over to our side of the stage. And since Posada, her little sister Juanita and I were the ONLY ones standing in our section we got to interact with them a little bit.

It was amazing...you see all this concert footage and you think that everyone would be on their feet dancing. We were seriously the only people standing. It was unreal. (the four seats in front of us were occupied by four men in their thirties. They were alone...no children. That left us wondering)

Anyway, we could hear them fine when they sang and when they talked. (I felt bad for the people who were way back. My friend Christy was back pretty far and she couldn't hear anything. ) They did all thier fun little things and when they got to 'For the Girl Who Has Everything' they brought about eight girls on the stage. Joey brought out this chick who was wearing VERY LITTLE clothing. She was in her late twenties. Joey took an immediate liking to her because he felt the need to sit between her legs and rub them up and down...ON STAGE! I lost a lot of my respect for him b/c of that (i'm sure he'll be crushed) The whole scene sickened me. Anyway...they did their little sailing thingie where they fly around. I thought it was neat, but I had these visions of some girl grabbing one of their hands and not letting go. (which would have pulled them off of the cable) It was pretty funny though, b/c Joey's cable got stuck and everyone else was out in the audience and Joey was still at the stage. We found that to be amusing.

The whole concert was pretty fun. We found ourselves acting like we were twelve, but we had a blast! Something that struck us as funny is that the concert was over by 10:30. (Every other concert we have been to has gone to 11:30-midnight.) Also, it took us 45 minuts to get out of the parking lot. (it was not fun)

All in all it was a fun night. We had a good time. We're going to see them again on May14 in Tampa. We're treating ourselves to a trip to FLorida at the end of the semester. We're keep you informed about that concert.