This will be a short one tonight; I'm sleepy.


I was coming in from Curves yesterday when my neighbor stopped me, "That is a great article about your son in the paper," he said. I looked stupefied. "What article?" I asked. "The full page in the Saturday section," he replied.

I hurried into the apartment, whipped open the paper, and sure enough, there was our son's "head shot" filling up a corner of the page. The article was written by a former high school teacher of his, who now writes an arts critique page for our local newspaper.

It is a great article. DJ has worked hard to reach a point in his arts career where he makes a comfortable living. There were many lean years in which his wife made the most money and DJ bartended for a living.

DJ's success is noteworthy now because two plays he nurtured at the Arena Stage theater in Washington, DC have gone to Broadway. One of them, 33Variations, is starring Jane Fonda. The other is relatively unknown, Next To Normal, but an excellent musical. The lyrics are especially fine.

I called Lyra to tell her about the article, but she couldn't find the newspaper's web page on the internet. However, she found her brother's name, attached to Arena Stage, on Google.

It's funny to think that one can Google one's child and find articles about him on the internet!

We are so fortunate to have such successful children, and now the next generation seems to be just as successful. There's Lyra, working on her doctorate, a successful teacher. And there's Chard, who worked his way up from mail carrier to internet guru for the US Post Office.

The next generation is coming right along. Lydia is working and living very happily in Chile'; Logan is working and living in Alexandria, VA, for the Dept. of Defense. Both are good at their jobs.

DJ's son, in San Francisco, works for Americorps, teaching inner city kids how to solve conflicts peacefully. He does this through an innovative sports program.

The two youngest Grands are still in school, but they show all the same intellect and drive that the rest of the family has. DB and I are sometimes overwhelmed at these amazing young people.

Another time, I'll write about "Next to Normal" and my experience seeing it in Washington. I'm so tired, I'm having to correct every other word right now.

Life is good, very, very, good. Thanks be to God.

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