I've struggled through another sermon. I won't know if I really have one until I deliver it today at 5 p.m. I then have to preach it again at 8 and 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. As much as I struggle, I find that digging into the scripture and trying to find ways to help others understand it, helps me to not only understand it on a deeper level, but to love it even more. You wouldn't know I feel that way, however, if you watched me procrastinate when I have one to write!


DB and I went out to the campground today. He brought the golf cart, which meant I was able to run down to see my gardens at our site. The motorcoach is parked up near the gate so that DB could get to it easily this winter to run the engine and the generator occasionally.

Some of the herbs are trying to poke through the mulch of leaves I spread out for the cold weather. I left the leaves there, as I expect we will have more freezing weather for at least another month or 6 weeks. There are a few green sprouts that mean the miniature daffies I planted are feeling the spring, also.

However, it looks as though all the daylilies and the poppies I planted in the fall have been eaten by the moles. I'm disappointed at that. I particularly planted them because the garden in high summer doesn't have much color.

The butterfly bush was left alone by the deer, but it isn't showing much signs of life. Maybe that comes later. This is the first time I've planted one. It is a deep magenta, so I hope it comes back.

The blueberry bushes are full of sap and the tiny buds are swelling. I hope they don't get too carried away too soon. I don't know if they can stand a hard freeze once they are fully budded out. The birds love these blueberries, so I don't want to lose them. I planted them to lure the birds.

We picked out the spot for our little spruce tree that was our Christmas tree this year. We will plant that in a few weeks. We want to be sure no water or electric lines run through the spot we have chosen.

Our yard here at our house is a disaster. Last fall, DB bought a leaf blower because we have a huge corner yard. It began raining the next day, and before the leaves could dry out, the snow came and we didn't see the ground until just recently. Now the leaves are compacted on the lawn and will take a strong arm and back to get them up.

Add to that all the branches that have fallen and littered the yard, and the job looks daunting. And this doesn't even address the gardens. Oh well! The price one pays for a pretty yard.

One garden, in particular, is a mess. Last summer I hired a teenage girl to help me try to save my gardens. They had been neglected for a few years. We got to all but the one I named for my father. It is full of blackberry bushes and is a nuisance to try to clean out. I got some of it done before my helper stopped coming, but I couldn't finish it alone. Now it is looking like a bramble patch already. It's too bad, because my loveliest spring flowers are in that garden.

Maybe I should begin with that garden this year, and hope the work we did in the other gardens will hold up for this summer.

In 5 weeks, we will be moving to the campground, and then this yard, except for DB's mowing, will be neglected again. I better get cracking!

Life is good, even when moles and blackberry bushes get the upper hand. Thanks be to God.

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