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 Alex takes swing at leadership role
 by Bob Sherwin of Seattle Times

Seattle Times staff reporter

The torch passes. Alex Rodriguez will carry it now.

"I'm ready to set forth a little more leadership," said Rodriguez, the Mariner shortstop, in reaction to the trade of teammate Ken Griffey Jr. to Cincinnati. "I certainly have room for that situation. I'm not going to dodge that."

Besides all that offensive production and defense, Griffey also takes a measure of on-field leadership with him. Rodriguez believes, at least in part, he needs to fill that gap.

"There are a lot of great guys in the clubhouse," Rodriguez said. "We're going to miss him incredibly in the lineup, but we're going to have our hands full developing a new camaraderie with all the new faces we have. I think that will be our focus in the spring, to make sure everyone is on the same page and focused on the season."

Rodriguez, who said he was happy for Griffey to play in a place he always has wanted to play, added that "personally, I'm disappointed. I'll miss playing behind someone of his stature. I'll miss that greatly."

He could not comment on the four players the Mariners received in return because he's not familiar with them. However, he said the overall changes to the roster "were some nice moves, getting (John) Olerud and more pitchers. On paper, we look good.

"It's a matter of staying healthy, but we should be at the forefront of the AL West. Ownership has done a nice job of using the money to get some players. I credit (Chairman) Howard Lincoln for that."

Do these changes also change Rodriguez? He is entering the final year on his contract, and his agent, Scott Boras, has said Rodriguez will not sign another deal with any team before the 2000 season ends. Now that this is indisputably his team, will Rodriguez be more receptive to signing a long- or even short-term contract that will keep him here beyond this season?

"Nothing has changed. I'm still evaluating," Rodriguez said. "So often ballclubs evaluate players, but for the first time a player evaluates a ballclub. I feel good about what the Mariners have done. I'm listening to them (Mariners), but I'm just going to sit back and wait.

"It's all about taking it to the next level. It's been frustrating not getting over the hump. I hope they continue to make moves. I'm really focused on having a good year. I'm more excited than I've ever been for a new season. I just need to be a little more of a leader, because there is a void when one of the best players in baseball leaves."


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