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~The Road North~

----- Aurora and Molly had been traviling for two months now. For two months they had been sleeping out in the cold night, their only company their tigers. They seemed to become closer then they had evre been, more like sisters then rivels. It was one night while they were both trying to go to sleep. Molly turned to see her sister crying, so silently. “Aurora, what’s wtong?”
---“It’s really nothing, go to sleep” was her reply.
---“I bet it you tell me you’ll feel better,” erged Molly.
---“I miss him.”
---“ Zarrel,” she stopped to whipe away a tear. “I miss his voice, his laugh, the way he held me in his arms!”
---“But I didn’t think you really liked Zarrel that much?”

-----Aurora looked at her younger sister and smiled. She remembered how angry she was when her father told her she was to marry King Zarrel. She looked herself in her room for two weeks. “I did at first. But the more I got to know him the more I began to love him. He taught me all I know about magic. I’ll adit that at first it was an odd at first but the more we got to know eachother the more be seemed to get along. Alex, I miss him so much!” Aurora then began to cry.

----- Molly did what she could to keep her sister from crying. Finaly Aurora went to sleep and Molly continued to look at the stars. She thought about the last two months. They had no truble ever since they left their home. Their little tigers kept them pretty buisy, running off every now and then. Aurora had named her’s Tigrus and Molly’s Moonlight Star, calling her star for short. Molly looked to see Star curled up beside her and purring. Why haven’t we run into any truble yet? This is odd, she thought as she closed her eyes. Sleep came fast but if only she knew what the day held in store for her sister and herself.


----- When Molly awoke it was to Star licking her face. Slowly Molly sat up and looked around. The sun was hidding behind a few rain clouds, making everythg dim. She saw her sister playing with Tigrus a few feet away. With that she got up and stretched.

----- Aurora smiled at her sister and handed her a wooden plate. On it was what looked like a fish. “I know I’m not the worlds best cook, but I made you brekfast,” she said, handing her a wooden glass of water. “Plus you looked so cute sleeping with Star I didn’t want to wake you.”

----- Molly looked down at the plate as Aurora handed her a fork. She shrugged and took a bite, swolowing hard and looked at Aurora.
---“How is it?”
---“It’s...yummy,” replied Molly with a shaky smile. While Aurora wasn’t looking she gave the rest of it to Star, who in turn threw it up.

----- After that both Molly and Aurora cleaned up their camp and packed up. They road north Tigrus and Star leading the way. The sky above became darker as they road.
---“Do you think it’ll rain today?” asked Aurora looking up at the sky.
---Before Molly could answer it began to rain. “Does that asnwer your question?”

----- They road for quit some time before they came to the gates of a village. The gates were tall and silver; glisining in the hot sun. Aurora and Molly both dismounted and walked through. They stopped at the little roar of Tigrus. Aurora turned but saw nothing. She shrugged and ran to cath up with Molly who was a few yards ahead.
---“Is it just me, or is this place empty?” said Aurora as they walked down the deserted market. The small tens were full of things just waiting for looters. No one seemed to be around. It was like death had come and silenced everything.
“This place is just a little to creepy. Not even the underworld was this quite,” said Molly looking in a tent filled with clothes.

----- They both stopped when they heard their tigers hiss. This time they saw two shadowy figures run around the corner of one of the many gray stone walls that lined the market. Probubly looters, Molly thought grimly as she and Aurora walked further down the street.


----- Drake sat at his throne staring at the floor. Dariun sat next to him in the same state. Their brother Josh walked into the throne room with Gabrielle on his arm. Niether one seemed to notice.
“That’s a first. When ever I bring you here they don’t give you a chance to say hello before they’re dancing you around the room,” said Josh as Gabrielle walked over to Dariun.
“Hello, Prince Dariun? Is anybody in there?” asked Gabrielle as she waved her hand infront of his face. She then leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. “If that didn’t work nothing will,” she informed.

----- Drake then got up and drug himself out of the throne room. Josh looked at Dariun and then at Gabrielle. “They’ve been like this for two months now. I don’t know what to do.” He then sat down in his throne.

----- Gabrielle walked over to Dairun and took him by the wrists and pulled him from his throne. She then drug him out of the castle and into the garden. “Don’t make me throw you in the fountain,” thretened Gabrielle dragging Darium to the base of the fountain. Dariun held back and when Gabrielle tried to pull him twoads the fountain he somehow got free, letting Gabrielle fall back into the cold water.

----- Josh just followed Dariun’s laughter to find Gabrielle sitting it the fountain face angry and the skirt of her dress floting in puffs because of bubbles. Dariun was laying on the ground laughing his head off as Drake came into the garden, who also began to laugh. Josh helped Gabrielle out of the fountain and took her into the palace.


----- Aurora and Molly continued to walk around the empty market place hoping to find someone who could tell them where they were. Both girls stopped when they heard the crash of a clay pot.
“What was that?” whispered Aurora as a cold wind blew between them.

----- Molly turned around to see two men making their way towards them. She tapped Aurora on the shoulder and she turned around. Both girls withdrew their swords and stood ready to fight.

----- One of the men stopped and put up his hands. “We come in piece,” he said, his blue-gray eyes causious. Slowly he put his hands down and kept walking towards them. He flashed them a handsome smile, kneeling before them. “I my ladies,” he began, “I am Guido, my cousin Jered and I just got here to find the town deserted. We were wondering if you could help us look for our kin.

----- Aurora looked at her sister who was bewildered. Something doesn’t seem right 'bout them. She looked from Guido to Jered who both gave her a pearly smile.
---“Who is your kin?”
--- “Why Jacob Dawson of corse,” replied Guido laughing.
--- “JACOB!” both girls burst out. Aurora watched her sister’s moth drop. The more she looked at him the more she saw a resemblence. The eyes, the hair, the fair skin was all the same. He was quite handsome but there was someting about him that sent a shiver down her spine.
--- “Do you know him?” asked Jered.
--- “Know him, Alex was to marry him!” replied Aurora patting Molly on the back.
--- “But why would Jacob be all the way out here?” inquired Aurora.

----- Guido looked at them and then to the ground. “Ever since he and the young miss he was a’courting split he’s been a’wonderin about.” He then turned his wondering gaze to the sky above. The clouds were dark and thretining. In the distance they could hear tunder rummbling. “Mayhaps we should find shelter...”suggested Jerid, speaking for the second time. Just as he spoke the rains began to pour down apon them. Molly and Aurora fallowed Jered and Guido as they ran to a near by building.

----- The building itself was tall and ancient. It resembled that of a place of worship with statures of dragons every where. Guido led the two to a set of large doors. There he opened it and waited for them to enter. As soon as the two set foot in the dimly lit room Guido shut the door and looked them in. “Enjoy your stay ladies. Yingtien will be pleased to have visitors...


----- Gabrielle walked with Josh out into the garden. It was where he usualy took her to talk. He looked into her deep purple eyes and smiled as he so often did, but then looked away from her. Turning back he handed her a green rose that matched his hair. Putting it in her hair he watched as her eyelids became heavy and she drifted off into a silent slumber. Soon... he thought, soon my master will return and he will rule everything!

----- Drake walked into the garden just as Josh put the flower in Gabrielle’s hair. He watched the evil sneer streatch across his face and hid before he was seen. Josh carried Gabrielle away and fallowed him close behind. Into the Gabrielle’s room Josh went. Drake watched from the door way. Josh stood infront of the bookcase and walked through it.