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~We've got the spirit~

"Alright girls I want you to smile, I want you to be perky, and most of all I want you to spreed the spirit of cheer to all who stand before you," started Ms. Bellun as she paced back infront of the cheerleadrs. "Now go out ther and make them smile!"

With that the cheerleads began their cheers and did their dances. "Go team go!" "Yah, go Firebird!" "Whoo! Lets kick 'em down Firebirds!" yelled Stephanie doing a high kick.

Liz and Lydia did the splits as Michelle did a cartwheel. Priscilla sat down on the bench and interviewed the players as halftime was called. Jacob, Dariun, Drake, and Demitri pushed and shoved to talk to her.
"We are so going to kick some butt!" they all yelled in unisin.
