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Mages and Witches

What comes to mind when you think of witches? You think of ladys all dressed in black with cone shaped hats, dah? Well, both witches and mages look like anyone really.(Thanx to hollywood you have the pointy hat thing going on)

Witches are the women who deal with the art of magic, incantations, spells, and sometimes the stars. Mages are the men who work the art of magic. (Just in case you didn't already know that I thought I might tell you, or if your memory fails you this was to refresh it)

You must understand that the magic they use comes from within. It is pure and white, but in the deepest corner of their sould live the dark black magic that thrives on that of evil. Hopefuly if any of you out ther posses magic you use it for that of good and not evil...