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The lil' People

Pixys are known for being small, but in some cases they can become the size of a normal human. Pixys are also known as:Sprits, faries, silkies, and of corse the lil' people. The name also applies to: kobolds, banshees, sylphs,brownies,(no, not the lil' girl scouts)gnomes, elves,nixies, and undines.

Pixys are in many stories a cross between lil' people, butterflys, and fireflys. They are very fast and can be very sneaky. In Eygpt, pixies where said to appeare at the birth of a child and predicted thier future.

Pixies can also be on both the side of good and evil. For without one, you can not have the other. Nine? Like most creatures of mythical times, they also posses the powers of magic and many elements. Even thougth their bodies may be small their hearts and powers are very storng.

One reason why pixies my be hard to find these days is beacuse they are masters of not only hidding, but illosions. Perhaps when you are alone at night/day and you feel the presence of something that isent there, it could very well be a courious pixy who, just wants to help out. (A good reason why when you do your landry your always missin one sock, perhaps they thought they should help put them away ^_^)