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Chapter Two
~Lady in Waiting~

-----Toby spent the morning tending to her household duties. It was almost noon when her father rushed into the kitchen, court dress in one hand and a silver necklace in the other. He smiled at his daughter for the first time in ten years and hugged her. “The prince is comming by, he is looking for a maid to be at arm. Please my daughter for once do what I say,” pleeded her father. He looked at her for the first time almost lovingly.

-----Causously Toby took the dress from her father and went into her room to change. How do you even get into this thing? she thought as she looked at the corset. “Are you dressed yet?” asked her father from outside. “I don’t even know what I’m doing!” replied Toby. Somehow she managed to get the dress and it’s endless undergarmets on. She stepped out of the room to find her father smiling at her. He then looked at the necklace in his hands and put it around her neck. “Twas your mothers. She wanted you to have it Tabitha. “It’s called the silver moon. Legend says there’s another half and that when combined is the most powerful wepon known to man.” He smiled again. “Now Aubery is bringing his mother over to fix your hair.

-----Toby’s heart skipped a beat. Aubery is coming here? He’ll see me and I’ll never hear the end of it, she thought. “Is Aubery staying?”
---"Yes, he’ll be taking you to the stables to get a horse. That is where you are to meet the prince.”
--- “But isn’t Prince Leonardo already engaged to Page?”
---“Silly daughter, not Prince Leonardo. To Ezekiel,”chukkled her father.

----- Toby looked at the necklace. It was two silver cresents moon hooked abk to back outlined in gold. It sparkled as she moved it. It’s very lovely.She went to her room to wait for Aubery’s mother. She didn’t want Aubery to see her in a dress. Sitting in the silence she heared a horse’s hoves and then Aubery’s voice followed by his mother’s. She heard the door open and her father greet them.Toby went over to her window and began to climb out, feeling a pair of strong arms around her waist she feel back. She turned to see Aubery under her. He helped her up and kissed her hand. He smiled at her dreamily. He doesn’t relize it’s me, thought Toby backing away.
--- “Forgive me mylady but you looked like you may have needed some help. My name is Aubery. I don’t belive I’ve ever seen you around here before, I’m sure I would have remembered a face as beautiful as yours.”

----- While he talked to Toby Ashley came walking up the path. Seeing a new skirt he ran over to them. Pushing Aubery out of the way her bowed to Toby and kissed her hand. Giving her a toothy grin he gave his title and handed her a purple rose. “A pretty flower for a pretty lady.”
--- “Hey, I saw her first!” Aubery said tackling Ashely to the ground. They both stopped when they saw Toby’s father staring at them. “What has gotten into you boys. I never thought I would live to see the day when the two of you would fight over Toby.”

----- Both boys stopped. They looked at Toby. “NO!?” they chimed in unisin. “But how?” Abuery’s mother came out from the house and took Toby back inside. When they came out again Toby looked like a Lady of the Court. Now the corsit was on right pushing Tobys chest up more, her waist a tinnier, and her hair was up in curls. Sh was wearin lip colours and face paints to bring out the roseiness in her cheeks.
---“Aubery dear, I want you to take Tabitha to the stables. Will you do that for me sweety?”
---“Y-y-yes!” he blurted out. Ashley just stood beside him mouth open as Artimis walked up to them.
---“Hello Toby.” said Artimis walking past her but stopped and turned. “Toby? Is that you?” he then fainted.

Okey, sorry this is far from finished...I'm having a very bad case of writer's block... =(