Thanks!! Hey guys. I wanna thank all of you who have given me feed back on this story. I started writing it out of pure boredom on January 4 of this year. You ask why I remember the exact date? LOL... Well... I was in Florida at the time, a short vacation down there to see the boys perform on Dec. 30 and 31 in Tampa and Orlando. I was *supposed* to go home on the fourth, but instead was stuck at Orlando International Airport to do nothing :( So, while waiting 6 hours on line and getting bored with writing "Before They Were Stars" and "A Change is Good" I decided to do something else.

TEN MONTHS AND SIX DAYS LATER, the story I started in the airport is finished. I honestly never thought I would finish it and it would be the story that never died... LOL...

I know it's pretty gay to write this, but I needed to thank you all. For everyone who has ever sent me feedback on this story. You don't know how much it's meant to me.

AND to my very best friend Mel. Until now she was the only one who knew how close I've been to actually stopping this story. She's helped me with many ideas concerning this, even Jackie's pet nickname, Kid Nicky. (Yeah, she came up with it. I love her for that... lol) Everytime I whined to her about not knowing where to go, she'd say something and I'd love it. I could not have finished or continued this story with her. Thank you so much, Mel. Ya know I love you!!

Okay, that's it. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH AGAIN...

Love yas all!!
