//my experience\\

my experience


For my birthday, all I wanted was to see Orgy in concert. I knew they were comming to New York, and for the past three years, every time they came to N.Y. I had begged my parent's to let me go see them. Their response was always the opposite of what I wantd to hear but eventually I just learned to deal with it. My luck changed in November. My uncle (who is the coolest uncle in the world) asked me what I wanted for my birthday cause it was comming soon. I had told him that I wanted to go see Orgy in concert, jokingly, cause by that time I had basically thought I would never see Orgy in concert until I myself could take myself and what not. He asked me where they were playing and I told him New York City. Then he said that if I got the tickets, he would take me. So that's what I did. I bought three tickets for Hammerstein Ballroom *floor seats*. And then I made sure that my Orgy bubble sharing (bubble of Orgy reality) friend, Izzy could go with me. After her parents gave in, we started plotting and scheming. Then came the big day..11/27/00!!!

We both got out of school at 12:00 (it was a Monday so we had school). Izzy came home with me to my house and we got ready for the concert, watched some of the Orgy ball, got all our presents together, did our make-up....etc. At 3:15, my mom drove me and Izzy to "Staples" where we were going to meet my uncle at. When he arrived at 4:00 we were off to NYC (2 1/2 hours away) We made it there by about 7:00. There was a crowd of people standing outside. Orgy fans!! That was the biggest group of freak Orgy fans I had ever seen. Just seeing them was exciting... We got in line and people started handing out demos and before we knew it it was 7:30 and they were letting people inside. They had people check you for cameras (in the 2 1/2 hour car ride, Izzy and I had become professional camera hiders. Thinking our friend John wasn't good for much when it comes to concerts, we realized he actually was. We had remembered his idea of hiding our cameras in our bras. So thank you John!)The guy at the door checked our bags asking me if I was a "voodooist" after he saw the replica dolls I made of Orgy..hehe. It was funny. Then we were in..jesus christ I coulda pissed my pants right there..hehe.

We went right to the floor and when I went to go buy some shirts, Izzy had scooted her way right up front. I pused my way up to her but I couldn't get directly up front so I was standing behind her. At about 8:00 sharp, Spineshank came on. They were wicked awsome, although, I had a hard time enjoying them cause a bunch of poser assholes were pushing me so they could get up front (WHEN THEY DIDN'T EVEN LIKE ORGY!!!)But, they were not succesful. After Spineshank was done with their set, and band called "Vast" came on. I felt really bad for them cause everyone was yelling at them and I thought they were pretty good. So...it was sad *sniffle sniffle* (although, after the show, Izzy and I got to talk to their bassist and we told him how sorry were were about the assholish people. and he had said it was ok and that they got 'em back or something like that..I can't really remember. But, he was really really nice.)Also, when Vast was on, we saw Bobby and the side stage, drinking something and smoking.By the time Vast got off stage, I had somehow made it directly up front, next to Izzy, so that was nice..hehe. Once Vast got off stage, we waited an hour and a half for Orgy to come on. Ryan's geetar and all his equipment was having technical difficulties. I saw Ryan, Amir, and Jay walking around a little bit backstage,but, it was dark so I couldn't see them that well, but, it *was* them.

Finally they came on. They played "Vapor Transmission" first. When the music starts to get louder and more upbeat in that song that's when the band comes on. First Bobby stood up, and once me and Izzy saw him, we started crying so so hard. Then, I don't remember who I saw next, but, they were all there and I was crying harder then I ever had in my life. They were even more gorgeous in person. Me and Izzy, were directly in front of Ryan for the whole show. He was really cute, he was singing along with the crowd, drinking some beer in between songs. Jay was wearing Ryan's shirt, the green one from the stitches video. Ryan was wearing this red long-sleeved jacket type thing(you'll have to look at the pix that I have posted from the concert)Bobby was wearing a black fishnet shirt with these neon yellow reflector things on it. I can't remember what Paige was wearing. Amir had this long, dress-like shirt on, with slits in the elbows and shoulders..I think. They put on an amazing show. During it, Jay had come over toward where me and Izzy were and sang to us for a few seconds. We know Ryan, Paige, and Jay saw us during the show. We had seen them look at us..hehe. Paige would walk over to where Ryan was every once and a while and we would go nuts (especially Izzy) He was really cute. During Dissention when Jay normally says "They say i'm jaded, cause they know it's true" he had said "They say I'm jaded, cause it's my fucking name" instead, it was kool. Also, he made us all stick our middle fingers up during the "don't waste your fucking time". Blue Monday, was the last song they played before they went off. Jay had said "Do you remember our first video??" everyone screamed and then he said he was gonna need help singing it or something. He said if we sang along with him, he would come down into the pit. He asked his band what they thought. Ryan excitedly nodded "yes", Bobby shook his head "no", Paige gave a big shrug (which was soooo cute) and I don't remember what Amir did. So during the song, using the security guards heads as a support system, they helped the lanky figure off the stage. Right in front of certain areas of the bar there were little platforms where Jay would stand. Luckily, Izzy and I had one right on front of us. Jay, slowly made his was over to us. I believe Izzy said he kinda used her to stand up..hehe. Mr. Jay Gordon..was right in front of us. We were rubbing his stomach and his arms (he was *very* soft, squishy, and sweaty...*sigh* he was gorgeous) Before I knew it, he had shoved his microphone in front of my face and he was looking down at me. I looked up at him, scared for a split second..but..then..hehe..I screamed "How Does It Feel?" into the mic, he smiled at me and started to get down. Then....me an Izzy started crying again (starting to see a pattern with this whole crying thing??) Then they got off stage. Once they left, me and Izzy were crying so hard (out of extreme happiness of course). One of the security gaurds came over to us and was like "are you guys ok?? Don't worry, the bands gonna be back on in a few minutes." hehe..it was really funny. Anyway, they did come back on and played two more songs. Ahhh...it was good. The set list from what I can remember (not totally in order) is as follows:

*Vapor Transmission
*Blue Monday


*Where's Gerrold?
a * next to the songs means, I know their in the right order. The ones that don't have a * are the ones i'm not sure of.

Before they got off stage for good, Jay thanked us for being "fucking awsome". and then they were gone. But, me and Izzy's adventure wasn't over yet. We ran over to my uncle after the show, crying. Izzy was trying to explain to him what happened, but, she kept crying..so..she couldn't finish her story. But, we got out of the building and headed for thier tourbus (which is where we ran into the bassist from "Vast". Izzy got a picture with him and asked for his little "working" pass which he gave to her.) Then, we walked over to were we saw a crowd of about 30 people, waiting for Orgy of course. Then Jonny Santos from Spineshank came out and Izzy got his autograph and a picture iwht him him. He said(to Izzy) "what are you Jay's mistress for the night or what?" it was really cute. Then we went and waited for Orgy. We had met this girl named Erica. She was in love with Amir. Anyway, we ended up talking to her for two hours while we waited for Orgy. Where ever she is now or if she ever reads this, I just wanted to say "hi".

After two hours, Mr. Paige Haley, walked out. He came over to us and started to sign autographes. When he came over to me I gave him the doll I made of him. He was like "wow, this is so kool, thank you" and then I asked him to sign my Candyass cd. At first, my pen wasn't working so he was like "uhhh...this isn't working." So I told him to shake it and press down on it. he was like "Oh here it goes" after it started to work. As he handed it back to me he said that "it sort of worked". Before he gave it to me, I asked him to hand it to Bobby and I thanked him. He was like "here Bobby, sign this". Bobby took it and signed it, and I gave him his doll. Bobby had said something like "wow, look at this, this is kool" or something like that. Then I asked Paige for a picture, and he said yes, after we got a picture, I asked him for a hug. All I can remeber from the hug was that his leather jacket felt very thick and Paige's face was kinda prickely (ya know, like hair was kinda growing in) hehe, he was so nice. After Bobby and Paige left, we were wondering where the rest of the band went. The bus that we thought was their tour bus was driving away so we thought Amir, Ryan and Jay snuck out while Paige and bobby signed autographes. But, we were wrong.

About five minutes after the bus left, Amir, Ryan, and Jay appeared. I gave Jay his doll when he finally came over to where I was. His eyes got really big and he took it slowly from my hands as he looked it over. A little smile krept across his face and he was like "Thank you" and he showed it to this guy who was kinda following him around (security or something). He let his little security friend hold it so he could sign some autographs. I asked Jay for his autograph and he said he would in a min. He had to sign a few of the other peoples first. But, he came back over to me and was like "thank you so much" I said "your welcome" in a very quiet and reterted voice. Then I was off to Ryan. Now, where to begin with Ryan..*sigh*. I think I gave him his doll first and Ryan was like "Dude!! This is soo kool. Jay look at this!" hehe he was really sweet. Somehow I got his autograph and then I asked him for a hug. Ryan said "sure" and he gave me a kiss on my right cheek. "mwa" was the sort of sound he made when he kissed me..hehe he was so cute. Then he gave me a hug. When I asked him for a picture he was like "Sure babe! Let me just get over here." For pictures, he puts his face right up next to yours. He was so nice. Then he shook my uncles hand, he was like "Alright dude, ya takin pictures, alright!" lol...he was sooooo cute. I love him! Then Ryan had to go cause he said "His bus driver is getting really pissed" So there went Mr. Shuck. He ran to his bus. Then I found Amir and handed him his doll he looked at it and was like "oh wow, thank you". My friend erica was talking to him. She was like "Last time I talked to you, I asked you if you would marry me and you said "yes". Amir smiled and laughed a little bit. He was like "Dude, i'm so not married yet!" *sniffle sniffle* poor Amir. Somehow I got his autograph too. Then he left. It was just Jay. Izzy and I were screaming for him. Finally he came over. We asked him for a picture (we actualy got three pictures, so thank you Jay for being patient) He had to bend down..lol..we were so short compaired to him. But I got a hug from him, and so did Izzy. I can still remember what it was like to have his arm around me. It was very heavy..but good heavy..hehe. Then Jay had to go. We watched him walk away and then..that was the end of it. We got into my uncle's car, and left the city..crying..hehe.

We got home at 5:00 in the morning..I was sooo happy. Everything, that I wanted to happen, happened. I can't thank my uncle enough. He made all of my dreams come true. This concert kinda worsened my obsession with the band. I didn't think I could get any more obsessed with them then I already was. I didn't think it was possible. But, I proved myself wrong. Orgy is totally the greatest band in the world. They are the nicest people I have ever met. So, I want to sincerely thank them for being the beautiful and talented people that they are. I also want to thank Izzy! Thanx for being the coolest person in the world and an equally amazing Orgy Worshiper! You rock dude!!! Thanx for all the good times (you know the ones i'm talking about) And another thanks to my Uncle, I love you!!.hehe good bye to all, I hope you enjoyed my story.