The surname BAJGEROWICZ consists of the base BAJGER and the suffix –owicz, which, in fact, meant “son of”, thus the whole surname is classified as the so called ‘patronymic surname’. The meaning of the whole surname is ‘son of someone called BAJGER’. The base ‘BAJGER (or BAJGIER, as in Poland some people pronounce and spell the foreign cluster g+e like –ge-. And some like –gie) is of German origin. There the surname spelled BAIGER was a dialectal variation of the standard German BAYER meaning ‘Bavarian’, thus the inhabitant of the southern region of the German Federal Republic. The surname, as a whole, was Polinized not only by the suffix –owicz but also in the spelling, thus not BAIGER but BAJGER.
This information was taken from a letter I recieved from Dr Zygmunt Klimek, of the Instytut Jezyka Polskiego PAN.
The Bajgerowicz family in the United States.