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Pokemon trainers welcome to Ulimate Pokémon! Here you can learn to become a pokemon master! Yes its true Ultimate Pokémon is for you!

To protect hope from devistation...
To unite all trainers within our nation...
To announce the tips of help and luck...
To extend your reach to the pokegods above...
Team Pokémon blast off at the speed of light...
Dont Surrender because well help you fight!
Pic Pica Picachu!!!!!!!

This sites Creators

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Here are the Different Parts of our Site
Pokémon GameSite UtilityPokéStuffCartoon
Reveiw and ListMessage BoardPokéPollEpisode Guide
PokéCodesSign Pokébook PokeStory .
Gameshark CodesView PokébookPokelinks.
PokégodsWin my AwardPokémon Arena.
My PokemonAwards Ive WonAdopted Pokemon.
New PokemonWebrings150 PokéPics.
TMs HMs...

Good Luck finding what you want

Site History
3/10/99 This site was created
3/12/99 Updated Site
3/24/99 Added sound and box
3/26/99 Changed link box and new pics!
3/27/99 Added new Pics
3/15/99 Added Webrings Section

E-mail MewMyster by clicking on Chansey!!

E-mail Jett by clicking on this Haunter

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