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I Now Pronounce You......

Click here to marry YOUR nsyncer! I, Lucky Josephine , was married on March 1, 1999

I got married to:

Joshua Scott Chasez

Who knows how long I've loved you, you know I love you still

Want to get married to YOUR favorite *N Syncer? Go to the altar!

Click here to marry YOUR nsyncer! I, Posada Michelle , was married on March 1, 1999

I got married to:

Justin Timberlake

Some things are meant to go together

Want to get married to YOUR favorite *N Syncer? Go to the altar!

Hey Mom...I kinda got married. Yep, that's right. I'm now Lucky Josephine Chasez. And then of course there's Posada Michelle Timberlake. Could those names be any more lovely?


Thats right...he's mine! All mine!!!!!!

So thats not the greatest picture of them...I'm sure there are better ones. But it is funny!

There you have it...we have all of *N Sync. We don't really want Joey so if you want him let us know. We'd be more than happy to hand him over to you. Just becareful. You don't know where he's been

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