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Fill in the Blanks

Fill In The Blanks With

Ju-Ju, Jc, & Lance

I hate shopping for........

Ju-Ju: Groceries! (He’s very emphatic about that answer)

JC: Stuff for my sister ‘cause I never know what she wants

Lance: I just hate to shop

The dumbest thing I’ve ever done was........

Ju-Ju: I broke my thumb on stage. TWICE!

JC: Jumped off a building! (Don’t do this at home-or anywhere!)- thanks JC, we’ll remember that

Lance: I fought a bull

I never leave home without......

Ju-Ju: CD’s, CD player, cereal, a bowl and a spoon (my, Ju-Ju takes an awful lot with him when he leaves the house)

JC: Clean underwear!

Lance: My computer

The secret to my success is........

Ju-Ju: Practice, practice, practice

JC: Dedication

Lance: Humbleness! (So answer this for does being humble account for success? I’m confused)

The weirdest thing I’m afraid of is.....

Ju-Ju: Horses! They just don’t seem to like me. (Thats impossible! Someone on this planet doesn’t like Justin? Whatever will he do?)

JC: Needles...I hate needles (me too man!)

Lance: Bees! Anything that buzzes freaks me out!

I eat the most when......

Ju-Ju: On holidays ‘cause my granny cooks for me

JC: I’m hungry? (Good answer man, good answer!)

Lance: On vacation. I was in Hawaii and went to a luau and had the biggest and best feast ever! (The biggest and best ever?! Lance my boy, that's just not right)

It makes me boiling mad when.....

Ju-Ju: People are prejudice, or lie (lie? So when are you going to come clean about you and Brit Wit?)

JC: People don’t tell the truth

Lance: People misjudge you

In high school I....

Ju-Ju: Was like the ferris Bueller type (Ju-Ju was running a muck in the school)

JC: Was popular (it was all because of the mouse club. People wanted to get with the mouseketeer)

Lance: Was the one who hung out with everyone

My best dating tip is....

Ju-Ju: Be honest

JC: Always have gum (why Jc? What were you planing on doing on the first date?)

Lance: Be yourself, because it will all come out later on and they might not like the real you (This is how lance landed Topanga. Its advice like this that gets him the women folk)

I hope I never have to....

Ju-Ju: Stop performing

JC: Compromise my beliefs

Lance: Go off to war (umm, ok)

(You know they were all thinking “get a real job”)

My best friend would describe me as....

Ju-Ju: Very funny, very loyal, and very dependable (it seems as though little ju-ju has a high opinion of himself)

JC: I’m too serious

Lance: Hmm...I dunno know, you’d have to ask them!

I feel insecure when......

Ju-Ju: People complimet me

JC: I can’t think of anything

Lance: A bodyguard isn’t with me in public (to keep all those pesky fans away)

My best holiday memories are....

Ju-Ju: Spent with my family, having dinner

JC: Same as Justin, with my family

Lance: Christmas with the family

My worst enemy is....

Ju-Ju: No one, I don’t have any enemies (thats what you think boy!)

JC: I don’t think I have any either

Lance: Myself

When I’m looking for privacy I go...

Ju-Ju: Now, if I tell you that, it won’t be private anymore (Good call man!)

JC: My room

Lance: Back home to Mississippi

My best friends are....

Ju-Ju: Loyal and dependable

JC: Always there for me!

Lance: Always there for me and know me too well!

I’d stay home if I thought I could....

Ju-Ju: Be successful without traveling

JC: Sleep!

Lance: Sleep

Things that I have learned from this little game......

* JC is a HUGE nerd

* Justin is full of himself

* Lance doesn’t want to go to war

(* Note- This wacky, crazy interview was originally found in SuperTeen Magazine. I am that cool and I purchased that magazine)

Group Humor