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I'm a Dax Girl!

This Site Is Dax Friendly

Hey there all you Dax lovers. As you know, Dax is no longer the keyboard player for *N Sync, but I still adore him so this page is going to stay up.

We love Dax. He was the coolest member of the *N Sync band. He has an amazing talent. I'm even beginning to like him more than JC. I know...I never thought the day would come when I would like anyone above JC, but Dax is just too cool. Dax also has his own message board where he communicates with his fans. Its called The Dax Files Daxmom usually answers the questions, but Dax will stop in every once in a while. Its a fun place to be.

Introducing DaxMusic.Com

This is Dax's Official Web Site.

This is Lance, Dax, and Lance's sister Stacy

This is Dax with Chris's pup Busta. Too cute!

Misc. Stuff