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You should know What Every *N Sync Fan Should Know

* You do not own any member of *N Sync. You are most likely not dating them nor will you ever. Let it go

* No matter how much baby blue you wear, Justin will never love you

* By dressing slutty at their concerts you're only going to get Joey's attention and no good could come of that

* Don't get in JC's way when he's hyper. You could lost an eye

* Lance has a girlfriend. Suck it up and get over it

* They are going to lie to you~ not because they want to, but because management encourages them to

* No matter how much you think you love *N Sync there is someone else out there who loves them more. Stay away from those people because they are libel to be crazy

* Just because others don't like *N Sync does not mean that they are jealous of them. Not everyone on this planet strives to be like the members of *N Sync

* The boys of *N Sync are just regular guys. Putting them up on a pedestal like some higher deity will only result in heartache. The boys make mistakes and those mistakes have nothing to do with you as a fan. Cut them some slack once in a while

* Single and ready to mingle? Very doubtful

Group Humor