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Formula For A Boyband

So you've finally woken up and realized that the real money is made investing in a boyband. Putting together a boyband is an elementry formula. Here, you'll learn that formula. Follow the instructions and your band just could be the next big thing!

* Take One Boy

~ This boy does not necessarily need to be good looking.

* Add Four More Boys

~ The best boy bands of the world have five boys in them. Make sure these boys can stand to be around eachother. It will make your job that much easier

* Pick A Chessey Name

~ Make sure this name has some type of meaning behind it. The more interesting the better as they will be telling it often

* Add Songs

~ These songs should be upbeat and saccharine sweet. About 10 should do the trick

* Bring In The Choreographer

~ Teach them some simple, yet suggestive, dance moves. (that will get the attention of the girlies)

* Wardrobe & Makeup

~ Hide the zits and make them look somewhat presentable in public

* Teach Them These Phrases:

~ "Well, we date, but none of us has a serious girlfriend"

~ "Of course we would date a fan. If all depends on if we're interested in the same things"

~ "We don't like to cuss, drink, or party"

~ "We have a really supportive management and a wonderful crew"

~ "We love out fans! If you see us, then come up and talk to us"

(**** NOTE: It doesn't matter if they mean these phrases or not. Its all a marketing ploy anyway)

* Remember To Stay Away From:

~ "I don't know what you saw, but she wasn't my girlfriend"

~ "Wow, I hardly remember that! I was so drunk that night"

~ " Get them the hell away from me."

~ "You've got problems you obsessive freak"

After that you're almost done. Get them some publicity on talks shows. (or even a Disney Concert) If that doesn't work then just take them over to Europe. From what I've heard their standards aren't quite as high as ours.

Group Humor