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Gropo Lives!

Did anyone catch Conan 'O Brien the other night when he did his infamous 'If They Mated' sketch? He did one of Justin and Britney. He said that they were dating. (Let the truth be told!)First he showed these pictures of the young lovebirds:

Then he said, "Lets see what the child would look like if they mated" and showed the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life:

"Its name is Gropo and it lives in the leafy part of the tree" ~Conan O'Brien

Oh my! I though her picture alone was the scariest thing I had ever seen, then this comes along. Lets all pray that Britney and Justin never have kids. That thing is just disturbing!

Random Point

I just adore Conan! He is so cute and he makes me laugh. Have you ever heard the jokes he makes about Britney? Classic entertainment! It is my dream to make it on to his show one day. You just wait...It will happen!

Get me away from that thing!