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Group Humor

Summer Fun

Diary of A Summer Vacation

Hey there! My name is JC and recently I went on vacation with my friends. Here is my picture diary of everything that happened.

Day One :

The first thing we did when we got there is look around a bit. We then found our selves on the boardwalk.

After we got done looking around the boardwalk we headed to the beach.

After the beach I was a little tired from all the festivities, so I made everyone go back to the hotel. While I slept, Joey and Justin played a game. Joey is such a sore loser.

Day Two :

After a night of rest we were ready to hit the town again. Here we are being goofy in the van

We love rollercoasters. Although Lance seems to be a little confused. He didn't know you couldn't ride it like that. I think that's because he's from Mississippi.

Day Three :

We started day three golfing. It was Chris's idea. Justin wanted to play basketball.....

And here he is pouting. Cheer up little bucker...we'll do want you want to sooner or later. He's such a baby when he doesn't get his way.

Day Four :

We went back to the beach today. Its just a good place to go. This is us playing around with eachother. We're such crazy guys...much like the ones next door.

Day Five:

Happy fourth of july everyone!


We Decideded to go clubbing at night. Here are some great pictures of that

Here's Lance making some new friends.

Here I am with some guy. I'm way too happy to be in this picture while he seems he'd rather be anywhere but with me. Notice Joey the left with some chick and Lance to the right.

This picture was taken after I retired for the night. Clubbing takes a lot out of you and sleep is just necessary.

So there you go. This was what we did on our summer vaction. We had fun and hopefully you did too. See ya next year!