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September 11, 2002

World Trade Center, New York City

Pentagon Building, Washington D.C.

Shanksville, PA

Tim continues to pass since that tragic day. Days of mourning and hopefully healing for us all. Whatever your nationality or faith, please take a moment to remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, and pray that perhaps finally, we can bring peace to this troubled world.

In memory of my friend, Corey Miller, who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald at the WTC and died on September 11, 2001. I'd known him for many years, first from my old group of friends who used to stage the Rocky Horror Picture Show floor show at the Midway Theater in Forest Hills, NY. We then hung out with the same crowd in the Grove at the New York Rennisance Faire in Tuxedo, NY. He has always been there with a ready smile and joke, and always brought a smile to my face.

He left behind his fiancee, his mother and sister. My thoughts and prayers go out to them on the anniversary of the loss of their loved one. He will be sorely missed.

Corey Miller at the NY Rennisance Faire

Let us never forget.