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Part 4

Angel groaned as he hit the ground hard on his right shoulder, the wind knocked out of him.  Struggling, he got up and faced his attacker, assuming a fighting stance.  She smirked and moved in, punching at his head.  He ducked and sent one flying in her direction, catching her in the jaw.  She faltered, and Angel attacked.

He kicked her in the stomach, sending her sprawling backwards.  She landed on her back and Angel closed in.  Not ready to give up the fight, she stuck her leg in the air, catching him in the stomach.  She flipped him over her head and he landed on his back, panting.   She rolled with him, landing on top of him and pinning him down with her body.  Spent, he rolled his head back and closed his eyes.

"Much better than the last one.  You almost had me there for a second," Buffy said as she rolled off Angel and got up to grab her water bottle.  She took a swig and threw it to him.  He caught it and took a long drink as he sat up.  Buffy fixed her ponytail and went back over to sit by Angel, catching her breath.

"Yeah, I'm getting better, a lot better.  Although I still need a lot more practice.  It's getting too dark now though," he said, panting, looking off into the distance to see the last rays of the sun setting.

They had been training for three hours, at the least.  It was a daily routine now, they'd train for a couple of hours, usually at the library or at Angel's place.  Tonight, since Buffy¹s mom was out of town on an art-buying thing, they were training in her backyard.

She rubbed her neck as she stood up again and walked to the back door.  She pulled it open and walked inside, the cooler air of the house causing goose bumps to form on her exposed arms and midriff, thanks to the sports bra she wore.  It was a lot easier to fight in than a tank top.  Angel followed right behind her, and together they walked up to her bedroom, where Angel's things were.

He put on his jacket and was ready to leave when Buffy's hands reached around him from behind, pushing his jacket slowly off his shoulders.  She tossed his jacket to the side and circled his body slowly, ending up facing him, her hands never leaving him.

Looking him in the eye, she leaned up and kissed him gently, tentatively, savoring the moment.  As their kiss grew more passionate, Buffy wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him closer as their tongues dueled.  She gently pushed him over to her bed and pushed him down, making him sit on the edge.  She sat on his lap, and they stayed that way for some time, kissing.  When it broke off, Buffy slowly opened her eyes and gazed at Angel.  She saw the love she felt mirrored there, and she felt safe in his arms, with his love to shelter her from the demons and the monsters.

She sat gazing in his eyes for a long moment, then slowly took her hands away from his neck to lift her sports bra over her head and off her body, tossing it into a corner of the room.  She kissed his forehead, then locked her gaze with his again.  She felt his hands moving up and down her back in a slow, sensual way, sending shivers up and down her spine.

"Make love to me, Angel," she whispered, her voice full of need.  Angel gazed at her questioningly.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes.  I need you..." she said softly, and that was all he needed.  They laid down together, Angel flipping Buffy over gently, so she was on her back.

³"I love you," he said before catching her mouth in a tender kiss.  As he moved down her neck, she echoed his words to him, and they began the process of loving.


When it had ended, Buffy lay facing Angel, cuddling up against him with her head pillowed on his arm.  They spent a few long moments gazing lovingly into each other¹s eyes.  Angel was drawing circles on Buffy's arm absentmindedly with his free hand and he leaned forward to kiss her softly on the forehead.  She closed her eyes and snuggled closer to him, feeling completely exhausted and utterly happy.  As their bodies cooled, they drifted off to sleep in each other¹s arms, feeling safe and loved and whole.


Again Buffy dreamt about the mysterious vampire, the one that had the power to disappear, killing another Slayer.  This one didn't take as long, but it was still as violent and disgusting as the one before.  She did that disappearing thing more than once, too, and she killed the Slayer a totally different way.  They had been fighting on a bridge, high about the water below, and the vampire had grabbed the Slayer by the throat and hurtled her to her death.  She stood by the stone wall, watching as the Slayer plummeted to her death and landed hundreds of feet below, sinking slowly into her watery grave.  Again the vampire gazed at Buffy with evil in her stare, and again she vanished, leaving Buffy all alone on the dark bridge.


Buffy's eyes flew open, and she sat up in the darkness, clutching the sheet to her chest.  Angel felt her stir and sit up, and he groggily sat up as well.

"What's wrong, baby?" Angel asked as he leaned his head against Buffy¹s back, wrapping his arms around her waist, and yawned.

"I dreamt about her again, Angel...the one that can disappear.  She-she killed another Slayer, and I was there to watch.  Sh-she threw her off of a bridge, and that was horrible," Buffy said, shaking.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, it was only a dream.  Come back to sleep with me," Angel whispered.  He pulled her gently, urging her to lie back down with him.  She did and her back molded into his chest, flesh warming flesh.  Angel kissed the top of Buffy¹s head and listened to her breathing.  When he was sure she had fallen asleep, he joined her in a peaceful slumber, his beautiful Slayer wrapped in his strong, protecting arms.

And they slept.


"So, Spike my sweet, *what* happened to Angelus?  Last I heard, he had a Romani gypsy curse on him and couldn't bring himself to kill another human being.  What a pity...he was so vicious and cruel.  Some good times we had," Leonna said, leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs.  The skirt she wore had a long slit up each side, and she crossed her legs deliberately to show as much skin as possible.

Spike squirmed a little in his chair.

Leonna smiled.

"Angelus, well, you see, when he had his soul, he fell in love with the bloody Slayer.   Sickening, I know.  I don't know what happened, but they did something, I'm guessing they had sex.  And all of a sudden, boom, he was back, making plays at Dru as if nothing had changed," Spike growled, venom in his voice.  "Anyway, the Slayer obviously liked him better as her little lap dog, and she found a way to turn him into a bloody human again.  So now he's on their side again, not that I really mind."

"Hmm...interesting.  This puts a twist on things, a very interesting twist indeed.  Spike, darling, this could change our whole plan.  Not completely, but think of the possibilities.  What about if we--" Leonna spoke eagerly, but was cut off by Spike.

"Now hold up just a minute there, luv.  Don't tell me you're thinking of--" Now it was Leonna¹s turn to interrupt.

"But pet, think of how much fun it would be!  Just like old times again, and you know how much it would kill--" Spike, not wanting to hear it, held up his hands.

"No.  No way.  Absolutely not.  That wasn't part of the deal.  No," Spike said, shaking his head.  Leonna just gave him a cold smile.

"Maybe we should get Drusilla's opinion on the matter, have a little vote, hmm?  What do you say?"  When Spike didn¹t answer, she raised her voice and called, "Drusilla, my love, could you come in here?  There's a little matter Spike and I have to discuss with you."

Drusilla entered the room with Melanie at her side.  The two of them have been spending a lot of time together lately, Leonna thought with a grin.  Patting the chair next to her, she indicated to Dru that she should sit.

"Now, Spike, honey, why don't you tell Drusilla about our little...what shall we call it?  Disagreement?  Yes, I like the sound of that word.  And we'll see what you think about it, is that all right, darling?" Leonna asked.

"Yes, but hurry.  Ms. Edith shall be waking soon and will want her tea," Drusilla mused.  Leonna sat back, uncrossed and recrossed her legs with the opposite one on top.

Spike squirmed again.

Leonna smiled again.

This was going to be fun.

I wonder what Leonna wants...
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