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"Vanishing Act--Prologue"

By: Serena

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else would like to claim them.  All I know is I'm not claiming them.  I do own Leonna, Melanie, Arianna, and Katrina though.  Yay, I feel so special that I actually own something.  Hehe!! :-)

Author's Notes: This is the second story of my lovely little trilogy that I'm writing.  It takes place after Another Chance, so I suggest you read that one first.  Be warned, there is some Angel/Buffy fluff, I had to make up for what I did to him at the end!  I couldn't be as mean as Joss is.  If you read this story, please, please, PLEASE give me feedback!!!!  I live for it!!!!! As always, thoughts in italics


"I love you," she echoed and tilted her head up, as he leaned his down, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.  They stayed that way, lip locked, for the rest of the song.  When it came to an end they reluctantly parted, and Angel put his arm around Buffy's small shoulders as they made their way back to their table.  Willow sat gazing at her boyfriend on stage, a goofy little smile playing across her lips.   As she saw them approaching, she quickly replaced the love-struck look with a smile and a blush.  Buffy looked at her knowingly, and Willow reached over, picking up her soda and taking a long sip, hiding her red face behind the red cup.

"Hey Will.  Oz's hair looks different tonight.  Did he get it dyed again or something?" Buffy asked as she placed herself on Angel's lap and reached for her iced latte.

", he just got it highlighted two different colors, Passion Plum and Mango Madness yesterday at 4:45 at Debbie's Hair....what?" Willow asked when Buffy began to laugh at her.

"Oh, nothing, I just find it a little funny that you know the exact time he got his hair highlighted.  Those colors sound like Snapple names," Buffy said, taking a sip of her drink, then offering some to Angel, who shook his head.  Shrugging, she took another sip.

"Yeah, I think they are.  And what's wrong with knowing where my boyfriend is?  It's not like you don't know where Angel is every second," Willow pointed out, and Buffy grinned.

"Yeah, that's true, but it's harder to keep track of him now, ya know, since he became obsessed with the sunlight and taking nice long walks all over town.  Before it was, oh, the sun's out, he's sleeping, or oh, he's playing cryptic guy again or he1s making sure I don1t get my ass kicked.  Now, it's not as easy," Buffy teased, then kissed Angel on the cheek.  He just laughed.

"Yeah, well you try spending two centuries without being allowed in the sun and then we'll talk."

"Yeah, but we won't right now because there's a vamp that I need to introduce to my nice stake," Buffy stated, suddenly growing serious as she slid off Angel's lap and grabbed her bag, unzipping it and pulling out a stake in one swift motion.  Giving Angel a quick kiss, she walked over to the vampire and said in a low, husky voice, "Let's get outta here."

The vamp, being a newbie, had no clue who Buffy was or what she was capable of, and eagerly led the way, excited about getting its first meal.  He led Buffy out into the darkened alley, then backed her against the wall, leaning down to bite her.  She suddenly shoved him out of her way and he stumbled backwards.  She swiftly kicked him in the jaw, then threw a punch into his face.  She was rewarded with a sharp crack as the vamp's nose broke, blood leaking out of it.  She reached to get her stake that was hidden in her knee- high boots, and the vampire attacked.  He scissor-kicked her in the face, and followed that with three rapid punches in the face, and ended by flinging Buffy into the brick wall.  She lay there for a moment stunned, then got up and raised her head, ready to take on the vamp again.  She felt like she was being watched, and turned her head to either side, but saw nothing but shadows.

Suddenly Angel jumped into the fray, punching the vamp in its face and wincing at the pain in his fist.  He tried to kick the vamp in the face, but he grabbed Angel's leg and lifted it above his head, throwing him back, then going over and raining punches down on him.  Angel groaned as one connected with his ribs, and he knew they would be sore.  He tried to get a punch in, but the vamp grabbed his wrist and twisted, but didn't have time to break it because Buffy rammed her stake into his heart through his back.

She knelt down beside Angel, whose face was bloody and beginning to bruise.  His eyes, filled with pain, connected with hers and he whispered her name before dropping over the abyss into unconsciousness.

Will Angel be okay?
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