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The Dark Horse

midi~Some Dreams Come True

On some of my blackest nights,
you come to me.
Dark horse of my dreams.

You beckon to me
and I am undone;
Dark horse of my dreams.

Riding bareback,
my legs wrapped around you,
your rthymn becoming mine.
I ride with you
through asphalt streets,
and dewy grasses;
where startled lightening bugs
glow threatenly at us,
just beyond my fingertips.

I bury my face
in your dark hair
my arms around your neck.
Muscles strain,as we try
to outrun that menace Time;
who follows right
on our heels.
Breaths coming in short pants;
sweating, slippery foam.
I can barely stay astride;
as you race straight
towards the moon.

My world is spinning,
and I'm falling down
Dark horse of my dreams.

To wake wide-eyed,
with limbs still longing.
For the Dark horse
of my dreams.


Thank you for the globe, KittyBee!