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I have seen the face of Death.
Not skeletal and frightening
as the horror books
would have you believe.

She is instead a woman.
With a round shaped face
that is opalescent and glowing,
like the harvest moon.

Her shroud is black as the night.
When her hood is withdrawn,
it looks to the naked eye
as if it were still there.

Her touch is cool,
but far from cold!
And, imparts a high degree
of gentleness and understanding.

She stood beside my bed.
Soundless tears streamed
down her face and she looked at me;
as if I had somehow hurt her.

I was speechless.
Altogether tongue-tied.
YET, she was not!

"Do not ask, of me,
to take you from this life.
The other side holds its
horrors as well.
Stay here instead, and grow."

I had tried, so hard,
to end my own painful life.
And, she was asking;
nay, telling me!
To stay alive.

I wanted to scream at her.
She knew nothing of my sorrows.
Yet, her eyes told me,
that she knew them all.

She stopped crying, suddenly.
Her grip on my arm became
frightingly painful.

"Do not bring me forth,
again, with your foolishness,"
she said;"or, the next time,
you may GET your wish."

She leaned over me then.
And, placed a kiss
on my fevered brow.

My frown, brought a tiny smile
to the corners of her mouth.
"Do not frown," she said,
to me,"but remember well!

I am needed for the sick
and dying, that I might
ease their passage.

DO NOT call me, again,
away from my duties.
YOU shall see me;
all too soon!"

And, with that advice,
she disappeared, leaving me
surprisingly at peace.

But, her words still ring
in my ears on my most
depressed days.

And, I find myself being
very careful, to keep
from summoning her again.

I must be very lucky;
to have seen Death's
lovely face and still
be alive to remember her.

İRUA 7/24/99

The lovely Death Angel at the top of this page was created solely for this webpage, and it's very special to me. Please leave her here! If you would like a special graphic for your site, please click on the logo below.