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High in the North Country, many moons ago; there lived a small pack of male wolves. Local natives had seen the pack often and named their leader Bear. Endowed with coarse black fur and a largeness of frame (as if the Creator had mixed his genes in the dark of night), Bear was indeed unlike any wolf before him. All his senses were enhanced (sharper and keener) in accordance to the destiny he would fulfill. But, for now, Bear was content to howl all night and sate his hunger and thirst. Life was very good!

It was mid spring and the pack was playing hide and seek among the foliage and lush grasses. Leaping about with tail nipping (Tag! You're it!), the morning flew in foolishness. Thinking now to rest in the cool comfort of the forest; the pack tensed as Bear began to scent the air. Slowly, Bear began to track this wonderful new smell; while his brothers looked at him dumbfounded. They tried to get him to rest, to forget about this scent; but it all fell on deaf ears. For Bear, had begun to excitedly run, and leave his brothers behind. With a great collective sigh, his brothers followed him. And in the heavens; the Creator smiled, as Bear ran toward his destiny.

A small clearing (ringed with heavy forest), was where she waited for him. The scent of wildflowers clung to her fur, and she showed no nervousness, as she awaited his presence. She had known of this meeting since she was a pup. His face had been revealed to her through dreams, for many moons now. Her lineage, her stamina and strength, indeed her very beauty; had all evolved for this very meeting. Lazily dreaming in the midday sun (listening to the unhurried hum of bees sipping nectar), she felt the slight quickening of her heart as he entered the forest around her. She was his total opposite. Where he was coarse, she was soft. Where he was large, she was small (bordering on petite). Where he was dark, she was light. They were a match made in heaven, and Bear danced impatiently along the darkened forest floor.

Bear and his brothers waited for some acknowledgement of their presence. She must surely know they were there. Yet; she never moved. She continued to doze on her multi-colored blanket of wildflowers; while inside of her; her heart beat like the wings of a caged bird. Bear's brothers were sent to circle the woods, for Bear was sure there must be another wolf waiting to claim this prize. And, as he waited, the midday sun sent glints of light off her silvered fur straight into his heart. His own blood pounded in his ears and he could no longer be still. Drawn like a moth, he advanced towards the keeper of his flame. She sensed his approach, and when she felt his shadow on her face; she opened her eyes and looked at him. There, in the honeyed amber of her eyes, he found his soul. With clumsy shyness, he bent his huge head down to hers; and claimed her life with a kiss.

For three sun drenched days, Bear and his mate frolicked in the safety of the little flowered clearing. And, when the pack moved on, rejoining the rythmn of life; Bear's mate carried within her the first pups of a long and loving marriage.

All stories on this site are © RUA 2000.2002. Please respect my hard work and do not claim it as your own.