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~First Hunt~

Now, Bear's brothers accepted the little female as their leaders mate. But they had misgivings about how she would hunt with the pack. The survival of a pack depended on their ability to hunt. And, as they trotted behind the pair, their thoughts were of this first hunt. They had learned each others strengths and weaknesses through years of trial and error. She was an unknown factor. Bear was capable of supplying large game. His sheer size and weight had brought many yearling deer and elk to the packs table. Her smallness was worrisome to them; as was her coloring. Her very lightness would be hard to hide. And, as they followed the pair through the darkening forest, they nervously tried to hide their thoughts. When the pair stopped to scent the air; the brothers knew their time of wondering was at an end.

Without a sound, the little female left her mate; disappearing in the lengthening shadows. In the space of one heartbeat, she had vanished! Bear and his brothers began to place themselves around the outskirts of a small herd of elk. With practiced precision Bear chose the target, and the race for survival was on. As the herd began to scatter, the yearling elk was painstakingly separated and run to ground by the powerful strength of Bear. In one leap, he had clamped his jaws on the yearlings neck and his brothers pulled at its legs to stop its flight.

Unseen and unheard, Bear's mate crushed the larnyx. And, the yearling graciously forfeited her life for theirs. The brothers began the task of dragging the young elk into the protection of the forest as Bear sat with his mate between his forelegs. With loving tenderness he began to wash the blood from her beautiful fur. While above them, in a sky of pink and peach; the Creator made note of the yearlings sacrifice and the pairs growing love.

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