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It was around this same time that a she-cat entered their valley. The large tawny cat was often seen by the pack, and had, more than once; fouled their hunt by taking their prey for her own. Bear would often find the remins of prey that the cat had left behind. So, the pack moved, for a time; into the role of scavengers instead of hunters. The pack grew fat and lazy in their idleness; and the great Bear grew tense with inactivity. Bear's mate ( in an attempt to soothe her beloved ) began to suggest runs in the cool forest. And Bear, glad of the distraction, jumped at the idea. It was on one of these innocent outings that Bear took her ( for the first time ) to the summer home of the man-animals. Bear's mate had never seen a man and was totally absorbed into everything about them. Bear forbid her to ever come to this place without him as he knew very little about the man-animals. As the days passed, the pair grew in their knowledge of The People. Bear watched, and knew things in his brain. His little mate watched, and knew things in her heart. More and more, the man-animals reminded the pair of their own pack. And, then, the day came when Bear's mate met at close range, a MAN.

He sat at the edge of the forest where she and Bear napped. His shoulders were stooped with old age and his braided hair was grey. And, with his lips and fingers, he coaxed music from a stick of wood. The music called Bear's mate from a dreamless sleep. She followed it; leaving her mate behind. In his sleep, Bear moved to nuzzle the sweet softness of his mates ear; and sprang instantly to full wakefulness when she wasn't there. He moved soundlessly across the forest floor in the direction of the music ( knowing somehow ) that she would be there. His eyes widened in disbelief when he saw her. For there she sat, right in front of the man-animal; within striking distance of the music stick! Bear's fur began to bristle and from deep inside his being, came a sound his mate had never heard. With lightening speed he attacked his mate nipping her hard between the shoulder blades. Yelping loudly, she bolted into the protection of the forest as Bear turned his focus on the man. Now, the man was wise and continued to play his music. He avoided the eyes of the enraged Bear. Growling his threats loudly; Bear began to back away to the forests edge. As he felt the forests shady haven, he began to feel quite pleased with himself. He had stood up to the man-animal, and his mate had been rescued from harm. He was totally unprepared for the sight that greeted him next. His mate stood before him on shaky legs and at his approach; she began to cower. Her beautiful eyes were wide with fear! And, as he rubbed her muzzle with his nose he tasted the salt of her tears. In the lengthening shadows of the forest, the Creator looked down with sadness. The age of innocence for the pack was now over.

© RUA 2002