Chapter 2.

When I woke up I could hear George say "Who brought that in here?" I looked up to see John and Paul standing over me. John blew a puff of smoke in my face I coughed and Paul took him away. Paul kneeled down to me.

"How are you?" He asked putting a hand on my forehead. I just sat there in awe.

Finally I said "Where's the other one?"

"Who?" George asked puzzled.

"Ringo" I said. Then the door opened and Ringo walked in holding two styrofoam cups of tea and handed me one.

My mouth dropped open. Paul closed it for me.

"Hey, Ring I thingk she likes you" John said sitting on the couch beside me.

"Oh? What's her name?" Ringo said and all eyes turned toward me.

"Ringa Starr" I said. Before John could get a comment out George Martin came in the room.

"We've got out of here before long," he said rushing around packing things up "and we've got to get you back home" he said pointing at me.

"No please!" I practically screamed suddenly awake. They all stared at me in shock.

"Don't send me back. I don't want to go back to that same house I've been in for 14 ghastly years!"I pleaded on my knees.

"Look here, do you want me to call security?" George Martin said pointing a finger at me.

"No" I said getting up looking at the floor ashamed of myself.

"Now, if you want Paul will take you to the car that's waiting downstairs" he said.

"No, I can walk" I said and sulked out of the room. I knew I'd be passing up the chance of a lifetime if I went home. So when I got to the car I handed the driver a wad of cash and told him to take my friend home and not say a word about me. Then I waited by the back door for the Beatles to come back.


It was about 12:00am when their driver came out and started loading bags into te car. I waited 'till the driver went back in for more bags. Then I unzipped Ringo's bag and crawled in ready for the long haul. A few minutes later the car started moving and we were off.

On to Chapter 3

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