Part 2 - James Paul

"That was wonderful, Yolla. I should have two or three birthdays like this a year!"

"Mum you want to see me in the red ain’t it so?"

"Not exactly...", she laughed softly.


"What, Yolla?"

"Tell me about my father once again."

"Why? I’ve told you this story so many times."

"I wanna hear it, mum. Tell me."

"Well...Okay. Your blood father was a man I met while I was living in Saville Row. His name, as I told you, was James. James Paul. Man, wasn’t he gorgeous. We spent only two months together. He wasn’t a man to play with."

"Then you found out you were expecting me."

"Yes. I didn’t want to tell him. Not only because he was hanging around with another girl – the one he’d marry in the end – but because of some silly pride. It might be silly now, but for me it was all I had. By then I found a job in Leeds. And it was there where you were born."

"And it was there when you met Jerome."


"Did he ever..."

"Once I met him on the street. I had already Lucy and I was expecting
Carl. You might not remember, you were only three. I told him you were Jerome’s as well."

"Oh mum it could have been all settled by then."

"Darling, darling. He was married. So was I. What was the point of it?"

"Sometimes I think about him. He could have given me a surname."

"Yeah, but would he look after you, dear?"

"You’re right."

"You know what amazes me, Yolla?"


"You never wanted to run after him. Even though you knew all."

"I don’t feel as if my father was somewhere else, Mum. My father is Jerome, and that does it. I may not have his blood, but I feel as if I had. I have everything I desire. I don’t need to run after some old bloke to ask him whether he’s my dad or not. I don’t need it. I have my own dad. And by the way, he's bloody snoring!"

"Oh Jesus!", Ophelia began to laugh.


"How was the dinner?"

"As my little sister says, Smashing", she smiled. "Writing something?"

"Yes. Read it."


"Well, is there another Fairchild here?"

"Wow, this is a honour. Proof-reading stuff to the great man."

"Stop with the jokes!", Paul pleaded.

Yolanda sat down on the chair, and began to read the song.

It Was Written That I Would Love You

From The Moment I Opened My Eyes

And The Morning When I First Saw You

Gave Me Life Under Calico Skies


"It’s for my girlfriend."


"My wife, Linda."

"She’s the luckiest woman", Yolanda laughed.

"Well, some might say. So, when are you getting married to Trevor?"

"In March. We already bought our house. Two miles from here. Not the biggest place in the UK, but it’s a start!"

"Your eyes dance when you talk about him."

"Yeah, maybe because I love him!"

Someone knocking on the door. Yolanda went to see who was. "It’s you they want, Paul. Seems that a interview’s been arranged."

"Well, end of our chat...what a pity."

"We still can talk, can’t we?"

"Why not? Well, I better go. Ta ta, Yolla!"

"Ta ta, Paul."


On to Chapter 3

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