Dear Friend, the Love of My Life
Dear Friend, the Love of My Life

by Lissa Michelle Supler

Lynne Lewis is a young American writer-actress-model bound for England's Oxford College. She is a Beatles fan and somehow knows that she will meet the man she has wanted to the most—Paul McCartney. She wants to "establish deep mutual trust and confidence" between them in the best David Copperfield-Agnes Wickfield tradition. But that close friendship was from the start a little different; something was in it that made it more than a friendship, more than friends' love and gives both Lynne and Paul something they were looking for but weren't expecting…

There are many references to Charles Dickens's David Copperfield in this story, in case anyone wondered and if you have no clue what I'm getting at when I make a reference to it, please feel free to e-mail me.

This story does *not* have an updating schedule, but I hope to be writing and posting frequently.

This story takes place five or six years in the future


To the real Elizabeth, my very dear chum and closest friend

To Jett, my baby brother: hey, Tot! Thank you for the laughs and the smiles and kisses—and for singing baby Beatle songs by request! :)

To Sabrina, who plays Rose in this story, with much love and affection

And, of course, to Paul, with much love always and to lovely Linda for giving him the wife, friend, family and happiness he was looking for

And lastly, to my parents, Jerry and Edna, for encouraging my writing, acting, and modeling, with much love, always.

Part one: Dear Friend

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

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All work here is copyrighted original work and may not be produced without permission from the author. Permission may be obtained by e-mail.

© Lissa Michelle Supler

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