Chapter 3

With his other hand, Robert forcefully unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed her towards him.

“Mr, Norton!” cried Cassandra. “Please! Let me go!”

“No no darlin’,” he said, gently taking off her shoes. “ I want to make the best love to you I could possibly make.”

“But Mr.-”

“Just call me Bobby. And don’t worry luv. No one will know...” and then he laughed an evil laugh.

He had now lunged at Cassandra and was working his way “down” (if you catch my drift). She was pressed to the car door. There was absolutely no way she could get out. The car was locked and the windows were up. Suddenly, a great idea came to her. She closed her eyes and with all her might, she jumped out of the window, landing on the sidewalk in a pool of broken glass. All over her body were cuts and bruises from the jump. Her shoes and tights were off, and she was lucky her underwear was on. Her dress was torn. Her hair was tossed unbelievably. Her heart was beating rapidly and fear was in her eyes. Cassandra looked up and saw Robert’s head looking out the window, and finally made contact with her. Cassandra jumped up and quickly ran down the street with a limp in her legs. She was panting as hard and loud as she could, trying not to let the tears come through. But how could she not? Every time she turned around, Robert was getting nearer and nearer.

She finally made her way to Cavendish Avenue, and up to Paul’s door. The lights in the first and second floors were out, and the windows were locked. Cassandra crashed onto his door. She looked behind, barely breathing, and Robert was three steps behind her.

“PAUL!!!!!!” she cried, banging the door, sobbing. “PAUL LET ME IN!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!”

Two steps away.

“Oh Christ,” she cried. “He’s going to rape me! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!”

One step away. Now Cassandra was getting very frightened.


She turned around. Robert had gotten hold of her shoulders and laughed a wicked laugh. She screamed so loud that it seemed to cut through the thickness of the night. Just as he was about to wrestle her down, the door opened and she was pulled in by so much force, she fainted.

Cassandra opened her eyes. It was a little blurry, but it was very quiet. As she came into focus, she saw Paul’s face. She looked at her shoulders and found his hands pinning her down. She started to scream and wave her arms around, trying to get him away.


She jumped up, while Paul flew right off of her, feeling very jittery and screaming and waving. But Paul was the definite ladies’ man, and with a touch of his hand on her shoulders, she immediately calmed down. He gently stared her straight in the eye.

“Now, Cassandra,” he said quietly. “Tell me what happened.”

“Well...I...I...where do I start?....” Hot tears started to roll down her cheek.

“It’s okay. Take your time.”

“He attempted to...You know....”

He gazed back at her. Why would he do such a thing?

“I was pressed to the door of the car. He tried to grab me down, but I escaped. I dove through the window.” Her breathing pattern was getting shorter and shorter.

“I...I landed on the sidewalk...I struggled to get up. I ran to your house....He was up to grab me and then-”

“It’s okay,” Paul replied. She stood helpless, all alone. She felt so humiliated and embarrassed.

“How do you feel?” he asked. He came closer to her, and softly held on to her hands. Cassandra’s knees felt weak, and she melted into Paul’s arms and sobbed.

“Oh I wish I was dead!” she cried.

Paul wrapped his arms around her. She felt so much better. She felt his hands gently rub her back. She felt his heart beat slowly, his smooth skin on his neck. Thank the dear Lord for guys like Paul, she thought.

She was so overwhelmed with different emotions, she drew back and wiped a few remaining tears away. Paul looked at his watch and playfully slapped his cheek.

“My goodness!” he cried. “Look at the time. It’s quarter after 2.”

“No wonder I’m so tired.”

“C’mead. I’ll walk you home. I really don’t wanna drive on such a night like this.”

They looked at each other and smiled. It really wasn’t so bad a night as expected.

It didn’t take long to get to Baker St. from Paul’s place. The two walked side by side, but not hand in hand. Hew told her his life story. He told her about how he met John and George and how his mother died and how they moved many times and about Hamburg and......The list was endless. But Cassandra didn’t care. She was quite interested about his story. The night seemed so special to her. Just two lost souls, walking in the middle of a Tuesday night.

“...Wow,” she cried. “That’s amazing.”

“Yeah. Have you ever lost your mum?”

They stopped dead in his tracks. Cassandra, she thought. What are you going to say? The truth, or just a little white lie that grow into something really big. What if he wants to meet them and it turns out-

“They live in the Highlands of Scotland.”

That seemed like an appropriate answer. “So you’re Scottish?”

“Of course not! I was almost born on the English Channel. I lived in that area for a while. It was beautiful.” Okay, she thought. Half truth, half lie. That’s a way to live.

“Really! Where on the channel?”

“It’s a little town called Rye, in Sussex. We lived in a house called Paulditz. There were some odd people who lived there.”

Just as she said that, Cassandra looked up and saw the familiar green sign of Baker Street.

“I guess I can take it from here,” she smiled and started to walk off.

“No wait!” he cried. Cassandra turned around. Her hair swiveled with her head and perched gently on her shoulders.

“I’ll see if you’re okay. I don’t mind walking you to your door.” He caught up to her and did something she didn’t expect. He held out his hand. Paul had a romantic look in his eye.

Cassandra wanted to score big points with Paul and this looked like a perfect opportunity. So what did Cassandra do? What else? They now were walking, side by side-hand in hand.

They finally came to the door. She was praying to get a kiss out of him.

“Well, I had a nice time,” she said, along with a sweet, innocent smile.

“Me too...I’m really sorry what happened to you. I hope it doesn’t happen again.”

Cassandra could tell that he was enchanted by her charm and beauty. He came a little closer to Cassandra, her back gently pressed against the door. His hands were clamped on the railing. But all she could see of Paul was his eyes and a silhouette of his slim, desirable figure. Oh Christ, she thought. If I could just get a piece of him...

“Well, I guess this is goodbye...I mean for now, of course,” Cassandra said, unsteadily.

“Oh sure!” Paul exclaimed. “We’ll see each other again.” He now was right on top of her. Cassandra’s mind was running wild.

Holy crap! This guy’s right on top of me! What do I do? Should I just say ‘thanks and good night’, or should I hold on for a very exciting ride? What the hell am I gonna do? Look at this guy! He’s hot! No! He’s not hot! He’s scorching hot! Oh Jesus Christ!”

“You know,” Cassandra said, softly placing her hands on his shoulders, bringing herself up to his eye level, “I’m really tired. I’ve had a long day, and I haven’t slept in my bed in about 48 hours. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll....”

“Not even a good night kiss?” Paul asked.

“I know what this would lead to,” whispered Cassandra, as she gave Paul a soft kiss on the cheek, “but I’m too fatigued for excitement. Thank you very much for the evening Paul. And I guess I’ll see ya around.” She gave him a wink. He smiled back. And Cassandra slowly crept into her house, closing the door gently.

She put on th hall lights, and sneakily peered through her curtains. She could see Paul’s shadow dancing in the streets, and she could hear him laugh. But as he came into the corner, he swiftly turned around, his eyes gazing right back at Cassandra. She groaned at the sight of those eyes, and watched him as he walked out of the distance.

Casssandra put the curtain back and said in an imperial accent, “And the oscar for sexiest performance by a newcomer actress goes to.....Cassandra VanGotti in “April 14!” She changed her voice to a high-pitched, snotty actress.

“He likes me, he really likes me!”

On to Chapter 4
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Get back to Intro.

Copyright 1998 Kate Stocker. DO NOT reprint this without written permission from the author.