Now what? And Who?
Ringo had Pet, Ellest and now seven little males to look after. He was going through money quickly trying to feed them all and he couldn’t let them outside. What would neighbors think? He sat in his big arm chair with Pet on his lap. He picked Pet up.
"It would be really handy to me if you could only talk, Pet," Ringo said.
"Oh, I can talk perfectly fine, you just won’t let me and what would your wife think?" Pet said suddenly. Ringo dropped him.
"I never knew you could talk! But now that I do, maybe I can get something done around here. Your sons are growing up really fast and Ellest is getting lazy."
"The children I kick out in a few months, like your dorky friend suggested." Ringo kind of laughed to hear someone call Paul a dork. "And Ellest is perfectly fine. She’s just pregnant again."
"WHAT??" Ringo screamed. "MORE OF THESE THINGS???"
"Well, you can’t expect an animal like me to go without love, do you? You know that every single animal has several broods, right?"
"Y...Yeah, but for how long?"
"Until either one of us dies. In the mean time, get to like the kids. There’s seven of them. Name them if you must."
"Okay...That fat one will be Gervis. That small one will be Fred..."
"I’m glad you’re entertained." Pet walked away.
"Where you going?"
"This is a dream, dummy..." and with that Ringo woke up. He sighed and looked at Pet sleeping at the end of the bed curled up around Ellest. The seven new babies were cuddled in a chair. It was about six in the morning. Ringo went downstairs and made some breakfast. Pet was on the table when Ringo got done.
"Suppose you want some?" Ringo asked him. Pet just looked at him. "That’s what I thought." He made a big plate of sausages for Pet and left the rest for Ellest and the babies. Ringo sighed and walked to EMI.
Paul was playing with a paddle ball and John watched it go back and forth. He shook his head.
"Whoa! Lost it there for a sec!" John said. Paul kept paddling away and counting in his mind. 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405.... Ringo came in. 407, 408, 409....
"Hey Paul..." Ringo said, sitting next to the stupefied John. 412, 413, 414, 415.... "Paul?" 417, 418, 419.... "Hey!" Paul threw his paddle across the room and grabbed Ringo by the collar and threatened him with a trembling fist.
"You dirt bag!! I’ll rip you apart! I’ve been going for a record!!!" He snarled and threw Ringo back into his chair. John smiled.
"Ringo’s gonna get beaten, Ringo’s gonna get beaten...." John sang. Ringo went away quickly. He went over to where George had a new funny instrument. Ringo smiled and sat next to him.
"What’s that thingie?" Ringo asked. George looked up from it.
"Its a sitar. Try it!" George gave it to Ringo. Ringo hit many off chord notes and gave it back to George. "Lucky you didn’t break a string! Hey..." George looked past Ringo. "What’s with John?" Ringo sighed and left the scene to go play with some old instruments. Then it hit him. He needed Pet around to make things interesting. He remembered that Pet answered the phone when no one was around. Barbara was still in bed or at the beauty parlor by now. He phoned his house and heard the phone being picked up, but no voice.
"Pet! Come down to EMI! Paul threatened me!" Ringo said. The phone went dead and Ringo grinned. He went back over to where Paul was steadily bringing back his record and John was steadily zoning into his own world. He shook his head.
"I need a ciggie!" John pulled out some and lit one, lit another for Paul and offered Ringo one. "Have a big one, short man."
"No thanks..." Ringo said. Then the door to EMI opened and Pet was walking in. You could hear George Martin and other people yelling and trying to get help. Ringo smiled.
"Its okay, George. Its just Pet." Ringo said. George Martin popped his head in.
"Y..Yeah, wwwell keep him on a leash!" He said and left. Pet came up to Ringo and sat next to his feet. John looked at him suspiciously and scooted his chair over a few feet. Paul continued paddling, not noticing Pet. Paul opened one eye to see Ringo, but not Pet.
"You screw up my score again and I’ll kill you..." Paul said with a little rhythm. He closed his eye again and started hearing growling. It was familiar. He stopped his paddle ball in mid are and his eyes shot open. He glance slowly to Ringo’s feet and saw the source of the noise. Pet was in a pouncing position and drool was slowly streaming from his mouth. Paul shook.
"Mommy..." With that, Pet leaped onto him and began a big battle that made Paul roll onto the floor and under the piano. Ringo grinned and let George (Harrison) and John try to pry Paul from Pet, since it was hard to tell who was where. Ringo sat where John had been and pulled out some popcorn from some area. He watched for a while, yawned and fell asleep.
He woke up and searched around the room for John and George. Maybe they had left. Ringo automatically knew where Paul was. George Martin entered the room.
"Where are John and George?" Ringo asked him. "Did you watch the battle from to observatory?"
"Yes, let me tell you it was better than any wrestling match!" George said.
"Glad to see that you’re in a good mood, but where are they?"
"Well....Pet ate them."
"What...." Ringo knew Pet could eat Paul, but could he eat others as well? "Where is he?"
"Pet? Oh he’s sleeping upstairs." Ringo went upstairs and found Pet sleeping on the floor. He picked Pet up and shook him hard.
"Drop it! Come on!" Ringo yelled. There was a big thud and a big pile of Beatles and bile fell out of Pet’s mouth. Paul was crying.
"Does every day have to end like this???" Paul cried. John coughed and spat up some green gunk and George was busy cleaning out his ears. They stood up and glared at Ringo who was holding Pet. They frowned grimly.
"Ringo, either that thing goes or you do!" Paul hollered. "This is getting silly! Tie him up out back your house, but keep him away from us!" They all went back to the studio and left Ringo upstairs with Pet.
Ringo tied Pet up out back his house and Ellest and her babies were put in a dog carrier with caged door. Ringo didn’t want any more babies than expected. Pet slept outside in the rain and hot sun. Ringo hollowed out some barrels and made a shelter for him. One night, George, John and Paul came over and had dinner with Ringo. It was pouring outside and Pet was in his barrel looking in through the glass door. After dinner they all hung out at the table. Paul felt Pet’s icy cold glare from afar, but stuck his tongue out at him, telling himself he was safe.
"Glad you decided to put Pet in his place. Now he won’t eat anybody!" Paul told Ringo. He was sitting quietly away from the glass door to avoid Pet staring at him. After the rest of them left and Ringo was getting ready for bed, the rain developed into a thunderstorm. Ringo thought it would be okay to let Pet in for the night and to put Ellest’s kennel in the kitchen. He went outside in the dark with a flash light and robe, trying to avoid being struck by the lightning. He went over Pet’s barrel was. He saw Ellest huddling her babies close and reassured her that she was coming in for the night. Ringo put the light on Pet’s barrel. He was gone. Ringo checked the chain and found it limp and broken at one side. Pet had escaped!
What will Ringo do? Check the next Pet adventure:
"The Great Pet Detective"!
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