The Great Pet Detective

The Great Pet Detective

(Only read this if you’ve already read the Pet series before.)

Ringo went out with Barbara into the cold night with a flashlight and the thunderstorm was getting worse. Ringo had Ellest on a leash and her babies stayed behind in the kennel inside the house, except for one which went with Barb. Ringo sent Barbara up town while he went down town. Ringo knew where Pet would go. For an animal he was very human-like and liked to hang out in places, especially parks. Ringo went to the closest park and searched around calling out his name. Ellest sniffed around, looked up to Ringo and shook her head. He wasn’t here. Ringo went to the big park and searched around. Ellest pulled on her leash hard. Ringo pulled back. Just as a big lightning bolt cracked, so did Ellest’s leash and she went running. Ringo fell flat in the mud and was staring straight up. It was dark and the flashlight (to add effect) died suddenly. He was in the dark and alone. He called out for Ellest and Pet. He could faintly here Ellest making her usual chirping, or high-pitched bark, from afar. He groped around until he found a tree.

"Keep barking!" Ringo called out. Her barking became louder until Ringo nearly tripped over her. He felt around on the ground and felt Ellest and another body. Ringo pricked his finger on something and figured it was Pet’s spikey ear. Ringo smiled and called out for Barbara, who showed up with a flashlight and a happy little male. Ringo and Barb took them all home before the rain got any worse (if possible).

They got home and Ringo dried off Pet and wrapped him in big blankets. Barb made a big fire and wrapped Ellest up. Her babies were let out of the kennel and allowed to run around. Pet woke lazy and tired. His neck was sore and red from pulling at his chain so much, but he and Ellest rubbed against each other. They were happy to be together again. Ringo yawned and realized it was midnight. Ringo and Barb went to bed and let Pet and Ellest.....Well....that can’t be described....

Ringo woke the next morning and found Pet wrapped around Ellest. He smacked his head.

"Not again!" Ringo yelled. Pet woke up and scooted away from her. Ringo went over to him. "Don’t you understand? I don’t want any more of these things!" Ringo groaned and went to make breakfast. Pet grabbed Ringo’s ankle and Ringo fell flat on his face. Pet marched up to face him and frowned menacingly. Ringo hoped he wasn’t going to eat him.

"I’m an animal and I’ll mate when I want to mate! These things will go into the wild eventually! How would you like it if I didn’t allow you to have children?!?" Pet yelled. It was a deep voice like Tom Petty’s, but British. Ringo stared at him.

"Is this a dream?" Ringo asked.

"Are you nuts? Of course not you twit!" Ringo got up.

"Well, what if I neutered you and Ellest? It wouldn’t hurt. I’d just take you to a vet and thats it. Then you could mate when you want." Pet thought. That sounded reasonable. He nodded shyly and said:

"Only if Ellest doesn’t mind. I don’t think she will. But she has to have this brood first." Ringo nodded.

"Hey, Pet..." Ringo said. Pet looked at him. "How come you never talked before this?"

"I just learned," Pet said. "Its very simple."

"I’ll set an appointment at the vet’s." Ringo called the vet and set up a date, much to the vet’s confusion on what he was operating. Ringo brought them in the next day and let Pet go in first. The vet, Dr. Mister-Moustache-Man, was really confused when he saw Pet and Ellest. He shrugged. They had to have some familiar part. He took him in and let Ringo and Ellest wait. It was another hour before Pet came out. He had the strangest face on.

"How ya feeling?" Ringo asked.

"I’ll be okay..." Pet said in a very high pitched tone. The vet came out behind him.

"Do you want me to do the female as well?" He asked.

"N..No, she’s pregnant. I’ll bring her back later," Ringo said. Ringo grabbed Pet and put him in the car with Ellest jumping into the car behind them to comfort Pet. Ringo felt bad. He ahd taken children from his pets. He didn’t really have to get Ellest done, there weren’t many like her, that was for sure! Ellest would have her babies and that would be that. Ringo drove home and got into his big arm chair. Ellest walked with Pet into Ringo’s bed room. She was really faithful to him as he was to her when ever she was pregnant. Ringo waited until George came over later, but in the mean time he slept...

George showed up in an hour to see how the family was doing. He saw that Pet had the strangest face on and was sitting in a very odd positon.

"What’s his problem?" George asked.

"I got him neutered," Ringo said. George jumped.

"Why? Animals are supposed to mate!"

"But that much and often?? George, whats been done is done, Ellest will give birth and Pet will live without....that."

"Well, what ever you want to do to your pets is your problem, but in another twist of fate, something is dredfully wrong!"

"Oh no...."

"Paul loves women, right?"


"Ellest has a woman face, right?"

"Oh no!!!! He didn’t???"

"As sick as it is, he did. She, being the same length as a human from tip of toes to nose, Paul.....did her."

"Oh my god! This is horrible! Now I’ll have Pauls all over the place! I’ll have to get Paul neutered, too!"

"No, no...There’s another twist.."

"What? Is Paul gay?"

"No! Paul is....pregnant."

"Not way! That’s doesn’t happen! It will never happen!"

"I gave him a physical since he had been vomiting so much and he was getting fatter. He’s going through the same gestation as Ellest! In four weeks, he’ll have Pauls up to his neck!"

"Why up to his neck?"

"He’s bigger, gives more babies."

"This is sick! Go away! Let me be!" George stood back and waited. Then he left. Ringo didn’t need to hear that story any time soon! It was impossible, a man? Men don’t have the parts a woman requires to give birth! It was nuts, but he didn’t need to be told.


Don’t miss the next twisted Chapter:

"Paul’s Love Goes Too Far"!


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