Ringo Faces The Truth

Ringo Faces The Truth

And Barb Loses!

The Last, Most Exciting Pet Story Ever!!


"Come on, Paul! You held it in there for weeks! Can’t you wait until we get to the hospital??" John cried driving like a maniac, chased by the police. Paul was in agony and George kept him company.

"George, will they have to cut me open?" Paul asked his tiredly.

"Yes, no man has the big hips or parts to give correct birth," George told him.

"Now I’ll have a bad scar!!" Paul cried even worse now. John’s tire suddenly blew out and they went swirling in a twister of confusion down the road and hit a brick wall, sending them into an alley and another brick wall, that stopped their moving. Everyone was okay, but the police were stopping behind them. They couldn’t escape. John slammed his fist on the steering wheel and put his head to the horn as the police officer came up.

"Look out!!!" Another officer called. John looked behind them and saw that Ellest was on the ground snarling vicously and drooling infinatly. "What is it? Kill it!!" The officer drew his gun as Ellest pounced behind him and onto the other cop. She tore at his legs and chest and any other part that she could get a hold of. The officer couldn’t shoot, he’d hit the man, and the attacked guy couldn’t shoot, lacking enough calm time to grab it. Ellest finally swallowed him whole and glared at the other cop. He shook and dropped his gun. He ran from the scene without his car or gun. Paul cleared hsi throat.

"There is a baby on the way, you know..." He said. John and George hauled him from the car to the cop car and sped off. Then, they hit traffic.

"Put on the siren!" George yelled. It didn’t work, it was at a stand still. Paul’s eyes started dialating. "We’re losing him!"

"He’s dying?"

"Sorry..." Paul squirmed and tossed. Ellest finally came forward:

"Get on my back! I"ll take you there myself!!" She said. They all looked at her. "No time to waste, come on!"

"You’re too small! We can’t!" George said. She got out of the car and began to grow. She nearly became the size of a two story building. Her size knocked over cars next to her. John gasped. "Fair enough", George said. They got on her back, with John and George holding Paul on.

Soon, Ellest, Pet, Ringo, Linda, George and John were all sitting in the waiting room all very silent until a nurse came in. She looked up.

"Mr. Magill?" She asked. They all saw the man sitting next to them. "Its a monkey." The man jumped up and put his hands on his head.

"A monkey?" The man asked. "This is a hospital!"

"Oops! Sorry, I meant boy." The man disappeared and everything went quiet again. Then Ringo started drifting off and Linda began to yawn. It had been three hours since Paul had been brought there. They all started becoming tired. Then the nurse came back out.

"Mrs. McCartney?" The nurse said. She looked very confused. "Its....uhh...Paul wants to see a Mr. Ringo." Ringo stood up and went with her down the funny smelling hall to a very dead room. Paul was in bed reading a book and looked very tired. Ringo cleared his throat and Paul looked up and smiled.

"Hey, Ringo," Paul said, his voice very cracking, unusual for him. "How you doing?"

"I’d like to ask you that," Ringo said. He was nervous. Paul looked like Maureen. "Did they...cut you open?"

"Uh huh....Got an ugly scar."

"I got one from when I was 7. My appendix, remember?"

"Yeah," Paul sighed heavily. "The thing’s in the maternity ward, but I don’t want to look at it. Tell Pet its up for grabs."

"I will, Paul. Get some rest and I’ll send in Linda." Ringo left and told Linda to go in. Ringo went to Pet.

"The baby is in the maternity ward. Paul said you can have it cause he doesn’t want it."

"Okay, I’ll take it. Ellest will take care of it as if it were her own child," Pet said. Ellest nodded. They all went to the maternity ward to see the baby. All the other babies were so cute, but Paul’s stood out. It had Paul’s face where Ringo’s usually was on those animals and that strange body with the ears. Pet was strangely attached to it, but Ellest was completely in love with it. The nurse brought it out for her. She sighed.

"I wish I was tall like Mr. Starr, I’d be able to hold the baby better," she said sadly. Pet had a strange face on and stood up on his hind legs. Something started making him change and grow. He was suddenly a human! He was up right, but his legs were still bent funny and he had the same funny ears. He smiled to notice his tail was gone. He looked down at Ellest and picked her up. Ringo gasped.

"What happened??" Ringo asked. He was so short and now he’s big! I’m all confused!" Ringo said.

"Its not very hard to get you confused, Ringo," John said. Pet glared at him.

"I’m still able to devour you, you know!" Pet warned. "So back off!"

"Yeah! Back off, Boogaloo!" Ringo said proudly. Pet noticed that Ellest was feeling strange too. Suddenly, a beautiful lady with Ellest’s face was in Pet’s arms. She giggled.

"I love this evolution thing!" Ellest said. The nurse, who was still there, handed Ellest the boy. She cuddled it and kissed it. There was no seperating her and the boy.

"What will we name him?" Pet asked.

"How about Pet junior?" Ellest said.

"Too corny! How about after his father?"

"Pauly! Of course! My beautiful little Pauly!" Ringo sighed.

"There’s still the matter of you two leaving. I guess this is good bye...." Ringo said, looking at Barb, who nodded.

"We’ll be fine on our own now. We’re bigger and we can rent an apartment!" Pet said. "Don’t worry about us." Barbara stepped forward.

"I...I guess I was wrong about you two. You are the most blessed thing we could’ve ever asked for. I’m sorry you have to go, but I think its time..." Barb said.

"That’s okay, we’ll be fine, come and visit us some time!" Ellest said to her. They hugged and shook hands and then Pet and Ellest disappeared through the hospital door. Ringo sighed. John put his hand on Ringo’s shoulder.

"They’ll be back," John said.

"Really?" Ringo asked.

"Of course! How else is QYBA gonna write about us without people knowing about Pet??" Ringo laughed, not knowing who QYBA was.... Heh heh heh....8^)

The End

Expect more (not about Pet) to come! Hope you enjoyed this chronical!!

Email me anytime, but make sure you make the email name not sound like porn! Add the word: BEATLE!!!!